Chapter 46

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I land with Kara in my arms on the balcony. She wanted me to fly slower so she could enjoy it more. I don't blame her. She hasn't been able to do this for a long time. She sometimes asks me to fly her, not even to places we need to go, more like a random car journey but flying instead. I think she needs the fresh air and the feeling she misses so badly.

I place her gently on her feet in front of me and, like always, Alex meets us straight away.

"Kara your never late for anything are you sure your okay?" She starts to look over Kara to check her for anything wrong.

"Yeah Alex I'm fine. Jeez both of you get so worried." Kara moans but smiles.

"Because we both love you." Alex looks back at me to see my beaming grin.

"Okay lets get you to the med bay." Alex turns to guide us, as if we don't know the way already, we've been there enough times. I trail my fingers down Kara's arm to find her hand. She wraps her fingers around mine interlocking them as we follow Alex.

"Okay Kara just hop up here and lay back." She instructs. You can always tell when Alex has gone into doctor mode. Kara does as she's told with a tiny bit of help from me. I sit next to her, placing my chair as close to her bed as possible, and holding her hand again.

I place a kiss on the top of her knuckles, to reassure her I'm here for her, and rest my chin on top of our intertwined hands, as she lifts up her pale blue top. Alex places some gloves on and sets up around us.

"This is gonna feel cold." Alex squirts some translucent dark blue gel on Kara's ever growing bump. I never really realised how big it's gotten until now when she's laying down. It can't be long now.

Her silky smooth skin stretches over her stomach and reflects the beaming light above us. How is she so beautiful? So perfect?

Even with a very swollen stomach she manages to be impeccable. However there are some marks now from where her skin has had to stretch. But they too add to the miracle that is Kara and our baby.

Kara gasps at the sensation of the gel and squeezes my hand slightly but relaxes quickly when I squeeze back and Alex starts to smudge the gel. She looks down and watches Alex all the time never quite relaxing.

"You don't have to watch me you know. It's better if you relax. " Alex looks up at Kara before going back to sorting things out.

"I wanna know what your doing. It's interesting." Kara adds.

"Well it's about to get a whole lot more interesting." Alex turns on a monitor she's placed just in front of her. The picture that shows up makes no sense to me. It's all a lot of what looks like black and white smudges and waves.

Alex moves a device from side to side on Kara looking for the baby. And she finds it. I don't need to be an expert to realise the black and white waves suddenly appear in a strange small shape.

"That's your baby Kara." Alex moves the Monitor closer to Kara so she can see clearer. I can already see the tears budding in Kara eyes, threatening to fall over and drench her cheeks at any moment.

The little form moves so slightly but I can still see it no matter how small a movement. I think Kara can see it too as she chokes and all her tears escape her. She can't take her eyes off the screen.

"Mon-El that's our baby." She says and turns to me, her face plastered with happiness and shock. She can't believe it. Neither can I. My face too is flooded with tears.

No matter how long she's been pregnant, I realise it hasn't really sunk in till now, what's gonna happen. She suddenly reaches out and grabs my neck, pulling me into the tightest hug she can manage. I wrap my arms around her, resting them on her back. She looks up at me, with those big, blue, blazing comets and I can't resist but to kiss her, not caring whose around.

"And...Kara,'s a girl." I can see a wave of fear wash over Kara's face, drowning her eyes. I can hear it in Alex's voice when she tells us, she just as frightened of the future as we are. I can't tell if Kara's tears are happy or sad anymore.

I guess deep down I was hoping it would be a boy. Not because I want a son, I mean obviously I do but because the future included a girl called Hope who's parents died. Us. I didn't want to make that happen. This is just the start and if this has come true, what else will?

"Kara, hey... hey look at me." I take her face in my hands and turn her to face me. "It's gonna be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or our little girl okay? I promise the future we saw is not ours. We can change it. Time can be rewritten." She nods at me but she looks completely lost.

"Yeah. I know." She continues to nod convincing herself.

She's said everything I have to me before but now it's getting more real I wanna repeat her own words to her. To give her the strength she gave me.

"It can't happen anyway. I killed my mother. She can't hurt Hope. She can't hurt our family." She looks at me in disbelief, taken aback. I never told her I killed my mother. She was unconscious and being treated at the DEO when I did it.

"You did what?" She asks her eyes slightly fearful but full of disbelief and... anger?

"Kara I had no choice. She almost killed you and the baby even when she didn't know you were pregnant. But it's okay because she's gone now. She can't hurt us." I try to reassure her but I can feel her slipping away.

" killed someone... your mother." Her eyes search mine not wanting to believe me. She doesn't find what she's looking for. She slides her hand out of mine quickly not wanting to even touch me, and places it over her stomach, as if to protect it.

I know she will have mercy on anyone. Kara is completely against killing not matter what. She sees the good in everyone.

Sometimes I love her for it but sometimes it's one of the very very few things I hate about her because her trust in others is going to get her killed.

"Ma'am there's something you need to see urgently." An agent rushes in and grabs Everyone's attention.

"What is it?" Alex asks quickly.

"It's better if you come look for yourself. But Supergirl and Mon-El, without any disrespect, I highly suggest you stay here." The agent says desperately.

"Why?" Kara asks.

"It's not safe. For you and your child." He adds.

"So why not Mon-El." Kara asks the agent again. He looks so flustered.

"Ma'am please." He begs.

"Okay I'm coming, you two stay here, that's an order." She runs out of the room with the agent which just leaves us.

"I'm going." I say immediately. She tries to move herself off the bed but I stand in front of her.

"No way in hell am I going to let my pregnant wife risk her life, especially if its dangerous for both of you!" She looks at me as if I've said those words before.

"Mon-El, you can't stop me." I roll my eyes about to argue but she's already made it to the door. I roll my eyes again in defeat.

"Then I'm coming too."

I grab her hand and squeeze it as we enter the main control room. All the agents have their guns pointed at a figure standing on the balcony. I push us through the crowd until we can see who it is but now we are too exposed to the person who has guns pointed at their head from every angle.

"Kara what a lovely surprise. I have to say your absolutely beaming. You look ravishingly. Congratulations." All of the room is filled with her repulsive voice. Another person appears from behind Lillian and steps forwards, staring into my eyes and then at Kara's stomach.

"Arhh Mon-El. Well done. I can't wait to meet my new grandchild."

Instagram: Karamelwood_forever

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