Chapter 39

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(This chapter is pretty intense too btw.)


"The time has almost come for Supergirl to arrive." Lillians voice echoes in my head, she almost sounds excited.

"No..." Im so weak I barely make a noise. Its all I can manage to say. I can't breath. I look at her standing over me but I can't keep my head up. James has been torturing me for so long I can't even remember half of it.

"Your mother thinks Kara is just your girlfriend. But I know more. She is your wife. You got married about 2 months ago didn't you." It's a statement not a question. She smirks down at my torn body.

"Ho...di...." I give up.

"How did I know? I have spies everywhere. Always looking upon you and your precious. Although I've called them off for now. I sense there is something your not telling us and I want to hear it from the two of you." She kicks my chin which violently flicks my head back. My head flops down again hanging from my shoulders. My entire body is being held up by the chains that bind my wrists. If they weren't there I would be lying on the floor in pieces.

She sends the guard in again and leaves. He brings his baton again. I can't even think of what he is going to do with it before I'm sick. And I'm right. He brings it down first again on my leg then my arm. The crack makes me thrown up what little or none I've had to eat but mainly silver liquid. The pain doesn't get any easier as the burning feeling starts to cool down.

Lillian returns with another Cadmus agent and they start to put cameras up around me. One gets placed on the floor and tilted slightly to focus on my face. James exits but soon returns with his first choice of weapon. The lead whip.

"I can't believe how weak you are." He spits. 


I'm woken by my phone. The ringtone pulsates through my head. I reach over and grab it from the side table.

"Yeah?" I ask groggily.

"Kara you need to get to the DEO right now!" Alex almost shouts at me down the phone. I change as quickly as I can and drive to the DEO.

"Kara!" Winn shouts making everyone aware of my presence.

"Kara! We have intel that Cadmus are going to broadcast a new video any second." Alex fills me in. I run over to the cortex to watch the massive screens. The AI head appears and starts to talk.

"We know you are out there Supergirl. We are not done with you yet. You may have been rescued by your lover last time but not this time and not ever again. He saved you then but who is going to save him now?"

The screens turns to a dark, grey room with shadows. One is holding a long rope like object, the other of their knees. The lights are turned up and the room is ultimated. The figure standing up is wearing a mask but I can barely make out the man on his knees. There is way too much blood on their face and every where its too hard to tell. I can just about make out they're topless. Until the camera angle changes to their face. It doesn't matter what covers him I can always recognise him. Mon-EL. I stand frozen watching as the video pans around him and zooms in on his face. Its too horrific to watch.

"Oh my God its Mon-El." Alex says without thinking. Everyone turns and looks at me. They can see the tears rolling down my face, my hard set lips that will show no expression. No emotion. My quivering bottom lip that gives away my sadness. They can probably hear my heart pounding out of my chest that will not rest until I can hold him in my arms.

We are all forced to watch as his face displays cuts and slashes and tear marks, old and new, through his dirty cheeks. There's silver liquid both dry and fress pouring from every wound. Theres more lead than blood in his system. I close my eyes for a brief second before opening them to see old and new lines on his back and long gashes and cuts on his front all over his chest and stomach.

"Supergirl. You must come to us within the next 12 hours or this will not be the worst thing to happen to the Daxamite."

A guard standing behind him and raises the silver whip. He strikes so many times my eyes blur with rage and sadness. My tears now flood my eyes making it even harder to keep them open. But I can't look away. His screams fill my ears and send shivers down my spine before it's all too much.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" I scream continuously at the screen. My lungs burn and my throat dries but I still scream as if the people on the video can hear me even when no more sound escapes me. I place my hands over my ears so I can't hear anymore. Alex runs and puts her arms around me. I can't support myself anymore. The butterfly's in my stomach become physical pain. I bend over Alex's arm and let her take my weight as my tears pool out and my face pulling the most distorted expression. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"NO. NO. NO. NO. NO . NO. NO ." My screams turn into a torn chant, my voice barely making a word without cracking as I collapse to my knees still in Alex's arms. She trys to comfort me and pull my head into her shoulder so I can't see the video anymore. But I can still hear.

"Ssssshhhhhh." She places her lips on the top of my head and rocks me from side to side. I cry into her shirt until the video finally stops. My hands shake as I wrap them around Alex. I place my chin on her shoulder. I want the ground to swallow me whole.

"I have to go." I say bluntly.

"Kara are you insane? You can't." Alex helps me up but is wary of my actions.

"Alex I have to. look at him. He's barely alive. He would do the same for me." I cry.

"Yes he would but he is not in your condition!" Alex shouts. Winn looks very confused.

"Wait what condition? Kara are you okay?" Winn asks.

"Yes Winn I'm okay." I say wearily.

"No your not Kara. Are you going to tell him or am I because he deserves to know." Her tone is sour but I know she has my best interests in mind.

"Alex that's not fair and this is not the time or place." I spit back.

"Kara if something's happening to you or wrong I wanna know. I wanna help and support you. I'm your best friend. You can trust me." Winn pleads.

"I do trust you... I lost my powers." I look at the floor.

" did you loose your powers?" He asks unsure of if he should. Alex looks at me with an encouraging look. I look down at my small bump and take a deep breath.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." He looks at me showing no emotion.

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