Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes to see a small slim women stand in front of me. Damn it! I must have fallen asleep as I watched over Kara. She became unconscious when the man shoved a red rock in her face. I'm gonna kill him. He hurt Kara. Made her scared. But she's not scared of anything. I couldn't let anything happen to her. I would never forgive myself. As my vision returned fully I realized the petite but muscular frame of the women, long dirty blonde hair swept past her shoulders.
How did she get out? She stood in front of me on the other side of my cell's bars starring down at me. After she realized I was awake she grabbed the bars and bent them apart. Why couldn't she do that before? And why was I feeling so.. normal. I just got shot with led twice. I should be dead. Cadmus must have done something to me.

"Kara?" I said relieved and nervous. "How did u get out?"

"I decided I wasn't going to be treated like an animal anymore. Now we need to get out of here." She replied with a sharp undertone.

"Are you okay that man you... you were so afraid of him"

"I'm fine and you don't have to worry so much about me. I'm supergirl."

"Okay" I wasn't sure about this but I didn't care. Kara was okay. I grabbed her hand and span her round into my arms and pressed a hard kiss on her lips. I was so happy she was alive and in my arms. Safe.

We were met by no reinforcements as we left. Kara took off and I leaped off the building. I wish I could fly next to her.

We landed in the DEO once again met by Alex. She ran up to Kara and pulled her into a tight embrace staring at me. I couldn't tell whether it was a warning or a thank you look. Kara reluctantly hugged her back rolling her eyes. She then went and slouched on one of the DEOs chairs throwing her legs over the arms and swinging on it.

"Kara I was so worried I..."

"Chill big sis jeez don't keep hassling me with your concern." She span on the chair again.


"No Alex I'm tired of listening to you. Your not even my real sister! You never have been and u never will be. You know your jealous. You can't take the fact that someone arrived at your house unannounced and was more popular than you. It's not my fault you were so boring. The only reason anyone hung around with you in school was to be with your 'magical' new sister. So save your big sister talk for someone else okay? Oh maybe for your girlfriend. I'm sure that will come in handy when you have your next falling out or when you found out she cheated on someone in the past. I'm sure she'd really appreciate it." Alex had started to tear up and some had escaped down her cheeks. This hit her hard.

"Aww did I make you cry" Kara said making a mocking pouting face. She stormed out the room slamming the door behind her. I looked at Alex and she just nodded at me. I nodded back and went after Kara. Walking down the corridor of the DEO building I was met by Kara swinging her self round the corner like a little kid would round a street lamp.

"Wheeee" she screamed and rapped her arms around my neck, standing on her tiptoes.


"Arh what?!" She rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "I tell you what will make us feel better. A drink! Come on let's go" Before i could say anything she had my hand in hers, pulling me down the rest of the corridor. Kara wanting a drink. How could I say no? Maybe everything that's happened has changed her. However it's how much that scares me. What she did back there was so out of order on so many levels.

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