Chapter 48

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A/N: Arden is Imra btw sorry if that's annoying or confusing.


It's relatively easy to enter the ship. I don't think they expect someone to fly up to their ship floating in the atmosphere. I don't know where to start looking. This ship is unlike anything I've ever seen on Daxam. It's either a highly advanced craft or my mother stole it. Either way.

The corridors stretch in every direction lit up by blue shining lights on the floor. So far I've only found one window and that was in the thrown room. Looks like my mother really has embraced her inner evil empress who loves the dark. Great.

Alex is going to be so mad at me. Honestly I don't blame her. She has every right to be. I stormed out risking my life, which I know she will not support as she wanted to wait to create a plan. But a plan was not on my mind. Kara was. I felt like the world was closing in on me and when our hands were no longer touching I felt an emptiness I only felt when I was taken by Cadmus. The feeling I may never see her again. That I could not bare again.

I make my way down one of the corridors I chose at random and find my self met with yet more. This place is a maze.


I make it to Arden's apartment. The DEO offered her a room but she declined on the basis of not knowing when she would have to return to the legion, but also she wanted to be independent. She's never had anyone to care about her other than the legion so without them she must feel so alone.

I know on the door lightly. "Arden." I hear movement from inside and the door slowly opens to reveal her beautiful face. Honestly she's really attractive. Maybe one day....

"Alex hi." She interrupts my train of thought. Probably for the best. When I don't reply she presses on.

"Are you Okay?" She opens the door wider for me to step inside. It's a weird scene I set my eyes on. Surprisingly her apartment is very sparse with hardly anything in it. There's a couch and a tv, it looks like she's modified it a bit, a small kitchen area, like Kara's, and a bedroom to the side.

The only thing of real substance she has in the room is an entire wall full of history books. I guess other than Shakespeare and Bon-Jovi she doesn't really know a lot about our time. And obviously on a small table in the corner of her room she has a stack of Bon-Jovi albums. I would have though by now Mon-El would have worn it out. Clearly not.

"I'm really sorry this is the only thing I ever ask you about but Kara's in trouble and we need your help. Is there any chance you can get in touch with the legion?" I ask softly.

"Well I mean yeah but what about Mon-El?" She's clearly confused.

"He's gone." I reply to her confused expression.


"He went to save Kara on his own. Obviously I'm worried."

"Arh Well that's typical Mon-El. Sacrificing himself for others." She adds walking around her apartment a little bit.

"What was Mon-El like in the legion?" It's a question I never really realised I wanted to ask till now.

"At first he was so confused. He would only speak of Kara. Literally would not stop. He would talk about finding a way back and trying so hard to stay strong. Some nights I would hear him crying in his room. I'd try to comfort him but it was no use. He was so broken. Sometimes I just left him to let it all out. One thing was for sure though he really loves Kara. He would do anything for her.

But soon he became the leader and the responsibility fell to him. He could no longer be dragged down by his past. I said it made him stronger but he didn't know what to do. So he took up the role and lead us. He was great. He took to it like a natural just as Kara taught him. He taught us the ways of Supergirl and how Kara always stood up for what is right. We all envied her. And him. For getting to meet her. It made it slightly more amazing he was in a relationship with her.

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