Chapter 20

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"Hey I just thought isnt the bar where Mon-El, Winn and J'onn would likely go?" I ask as Alex drives.

"Well if their there we'll have to kick them out." She giggles lightly but she realises the look on my face. "Seriously Kara its no problem. If their there we can head back to mine." I smile at her.

"I just dont want them to feel like were gate crashing their night you know?" I say frowning.

" Kara seriously chill. It won't matter and I'm sure your not gonna complain if we happen to bump into the man u love and are going to marry tomorrow." I look round to see everyone not sure whether to let their big smiles show or not.

"Well how could I say no to 'accidentally bumping' into Mon-El." I say laughing and sure enough everyone joins in. We arrive at the bar and again someone opens my door for me. This time its Lena.

"Thank you Lena but honestly you guys I can open the car door myself."

"Yeah well your not doing anything you dont have to do tonight and that is final." Lena playfully stamps her foot on the floor making her word final. I just laugh at her as Maggie leads the way into the bar.

I look around to see everyone I always do here. Mon-Els friend Kevin is over near the dart board. Meghan is behind the bar serving some newer people. Some humans are chatting in a booth in the corner.

Three people catch my eye though in our usual spot. I skip over almost too excitedly happy as I almost trip over my own feet. Mon-El hears the familiar sound of me almost falling and turns to see me making my way towards him.

"Hey babe!" He says excitedly as he stands up. I reach him and he pulls me into his arms lowing his head to kiss me. He pulls away and leans his head on top of mine like a chin rest facing our table. His stubble tickles my hair which makes me giggle.

"What are you doing here? I'm not meant to see you till you walk down the isle tomorrow. Or did I get that part wrong. I'm still not too hip on all the Earthly customs." His laugh sends shivers down my spine and my heart stops for a second.

His laugh is the cutest thing. Especially when he doesn't really know what he's saying he just trys to play it off. That laughs the best. And his innocent laugh and sleepy deep one and his too much coffee laugh. And his laugh in general! Everything about him is just the best.

He sits down and pulls me onto his lap, his arms still tightly wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry if we interrupted." I say snuggling into his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No its fine I was actually starting to miss you."

"See i told you he wouldn't mind." Alex perks up. I just give her the look.

"Seriously Mon-El we've been away from each other for a day and I'm gonna marry you tomorrow then we're gonna be together constantly!" I add bopping his nose with my finger.

"Well its a day too long. And I can't wait to marry you." He starts kissing me again and I think we're actually making out in front of everyone. I can't tell Im way too carried away with the more important thing going on right now which is us kissing.

"Okay you two save it for tomorrow!" Alex interrupts and puts her arm between us in a jokey way. I pull away from him but only a little just to wined her up.

"See you tomorrow." I whisper to him.

"I love you!" He calls after me as Alex drags me away.

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