Chapter 57

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"Kara you don't have to do this right now." I follow her down the stairs towards Alex.

"Yes. I do." She walks faster to get away from me.

"Alex. I need you to help me." She sound like she's instructing rather than asking.

"Okay sure. What do you need."

"I need to test my powers." Kara looks over at Winn with Hope in his arms and winces slightly. "I can't hurt anyone else."

"Okay. We'll get started right away." We all head for the training room.


"Kara you need to focus. I don't think this is gonna work as it used to. You need to train again." Kara nods at Alex's advice. Alex and I stand behind protective glass as Kara gets her distance to the concrete block. I can see her talking to herself.

She swings her right arm round and smashes it into the block. It almost disintegrates into the air, smashing into tiny molecules everywhere. She stands back almost stunned taking in the situation. I've never seen the block this damaged. It's all almost completely gone.

I've never seen her do that before that powerful.

"Kara, you okay?" I shout hoping she can hear me through the glass.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Let's go again." She does the same over and over again until Alex calls time. Each and every time she leaves nothing behind but tiny shards.

"Kara what about flying?" Kara nods and try's to jump into the air. As she does she seems uneasy at first but flys. She looks fine until she flys straight towards us and smashes the glass. I jump over at Alex and take her down with me protecting her head and body. Kara roles on the floor and smashes into the wall next to us. She quickly scrambled up and limps away from us as far as she can.

I look up to see she has moved right the way to the other side of the room pressing herself up to the wall.

I get off Alex and help her up as we both stare intensely at Kara.

"I'm...I'm sorry." She voice is a dragged whisper.

"It's okay." Alex try's.

"No it's not. I could have seriously hurt both of you..."

"But you didn't." Alex interrupts her quickly. "Let's keep going."

"Freeze breath?" Alex suggests. Kara try's but fails.

"Super speed?" Kara starts to run but loses control very quickly. She spirals out of control and roles along the floor again. She gets up so quickly and try's over and over again, failing each time.

"Maybe you need something to focus on." Alex suggests.

"Like what?" Kara sounds sceptical.

"Not what. Who." I catch Alex glimpse over at me.

"No. No way. No way in hell am I using my powers, which by the way I can't control, on Mon-El. No." Kara shakes her head. I think she knows it might help, she's just trying to dismiss it.

"We should give it a try. He's an emotional incentive." Kara looks from me, to Alex, to the floor and back again shaking her head still.

"N...." She starts.

"Yes." I say definitively. "Let's try it."

"Mon-El. No. No way."

"Kara. I'll be okay. You just have me out." I walk over to where Alex said I should stand.

"Mon-El I can't tell you this won't hurt." Alex warns.

"It's okay. Kara's got this." I wanna reassure myself too. Alex presses a button and the walls light up grey. Lead. I react within seconds, crippling to my knees.

"Alex! No! Please your hurting him!" Kara screams.

"That's why you need to help him." I see a quick glimpse of Kara try to super speed but loses control. Alex is playing tough. It's what Kara needs.

"I can't! Alex!" I see Alex turn something up and the increasing pain makes me scream.

Kara runs over to me, not using her speed. "Mon-El I can't I'm sorry. Please tell Alex to stop." She begs as she kneels next to me.

"No. You can do it. I believe in you." She steps back and watches me lay on my back, then curl into myself on my side, holding my stomach. I tilt my head just enough to see her speed around the room faster than I've ever seen and freeze breath every single lead emitter exactly on target within a second. She speeds back over to me and hugs me into her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay you did it." I grab her hand and squeeze it before relaxing in her arms.


We get home soon after my training. I want to make sure Mon-El is okay. He seems to be now though as he's carrying hope. I still don't trust myself. I can't risk it. Not yet.

Mon-El lays Hope in her crib so she can sleep whilst I shower. I get changed and walk towards to living room drying my hair with a towel. But somethings wrong. Mon-Els standing straight and still, looking out the window. I stop in the doorway before speaking.

"Mon-El?...You okay?" He doesn't react. He just stands and stares. Without warning he super speeds towards me and pins me up against the kitchen wall, his hands tight around my throat.

"Mo...n-E...l?" I try but I choke on my words. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt him but not being able to control my powers makes it worse. I definitely don't want to use them. "Mon-El...What" I don't see anything in his eyes. His kind caring, beautiful blue has been replaced by empty black reflecting nothing of himself.

"Mon-El...what's you." I grab his arm with both my hands to try and make more space for myself to breathe. I cough and choke against his grip as it tightens and he looks away from me, his black eyes now not piercing shards of hate into mine. That's what he looked like when he looked at me. That's all that was in his eyes. Hate.

He lets go quickly and speeds to the window, flying out of it without hesitation, without so much as a glance back. I slip down the wall trying to catch my breath, grasping at my throat before running over to Hope. She's peacefully sleeping in her bed. He didn't touch her. I look down at her as I let tears slip down my face.

What's wrong with him?


Hi guys. Yeah so I haven't updated in a while. I should of and I apologise I haven't been feeling inspired/motivated recently. But Supergirl's back so it gave me incentive to continue with this. I'm sorry it's been so long but hopefully this was an okay chapter and I plan to have a lot of stuff happen before the end of this story.👍🏻

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