Chapter 30

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I spread my arm along the mattress next me to find Kara but she's not there. I open my eyes to the sound of talking.

"Hey sleepy head!" Kara chimes from the living room. She walks over and kisses me. As I open my eyes from the kiss, I see Alex standing in the room, her arms crossed, smiling.

"Hey Alex?" I say confused.

"Hi." She gives me a little, awkward wave. I wave back.

"Oh yeah Alex is here! I'm helping with the wedding arrangements. " Kara fills me in.

"Oh okay." I say trying to play off the fact that I completely forgot Alex is getting married to Maggie. I feel really bad for not rembering because she sacraficed her big day for me and Kara to have ours.

"And she's helping with our new furniture choices." Kara winks at me but Alex looks at us confused. That would be an awkard one to explain.

"Yeah Kara how exactly did your couch get so messed up anyway?" Kara looks at me trying to get my help with an answer. I just shrug my shoulders and try not to laugh.

"Mon-El and I were...we were...wrestling...yeah trying to train, you know help with fighting out in the field. Don't wanna not be able to defeat a bad guy right?" Kara trys to laugh it off.

"Arrreehhh is that right?"Alex questions. shes not falling for it.

"Well um please don't show me your routine. im sure its very...effective" she looks right at me. "But i'll pass." All this has happened and I haven't even got out of bed.

"Eerr Mon-El?"


"Put a shirt on, or did you take it off for your wrestling match?" Kara sniggers to herself at Alexs remark. Alex picks up my shirt and throws it at me. She turns around as I get out of bed and change.

"So the wedding" Alex says still facing the other way.

"Oh yes." Kara glides over to Alex and guides her to the dinning table. I join the when I'm fully clothed.

All of our phones go off. Kara answers her and puts it on speaker.

"Winn, whats wrong?" She asks speaking into the phone.

"There's an unknow spaceship heading into Earth's orbit and it looks big." His voice echoes in the silence of the room.

"Okay I'm on my way." She ends the call as soon as shes finishes.

"Kara your not going alone. " I try to tell her.

"I'll be okay. There's no need for us both to go. I can be there and back before you know it."


"No buts. I can do this." I know theres no piont in arguing. she'll win.

"Okay I'll be at the DEO with Alex. If there is any sign your in danger I'm coming to get you." I add sounding defeated. I understand why she wants to do it alone. She want to prove she's okay.

"You don't need to worry so much about me. I'm Supergirl." She rushes over and kisses my cheek.

"That's exactly why I worry so much." She's already gone before I even start my sentence.



"Supergirl, hows it looking up there." J'onn asks through the Coms system.

"Nothing to report yet." Karas voice replies across the room.

"Supergirl be careful." I say back.

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