Chapter 43

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Everyone leaves and it leaves me and Mon-El. He orders me to sit on the couch and rest, so after a lot of jokingly arguing I do as I'm told. I watch him as he washes up and puts stuff back in its place.

"No no that plate goes there! No that candle goes back there. Yeah... No you see where the flowers are...Yeah there. Wait no thats too far away. Just let me help." I say leaning against the corner of the couch with my legs crossed under the blanket.

"No you are staying there. You need to rest. It was one of Alex's only instructions." He gives me a tiny smile.

"But I don't wanna sit here." I moan and slam my arms down on my knees like a two year old. He pulls a pouty face at me and I stick my tongue out at him. We both erupt with laughter after a moment. He leans forwards unable to control himself and I lean back, my head falling back in fits of laughter. Both our eyes start watering from how much we've endlessly giggled. I've missed this so much.

He eventually makes his way over and plops himself down next to me. He pulls me closer into him and wraps his arms around me. I pull my feet round and tuck them into the seat. One of his arms wraps around my back, his hand resting on my hip, the other playing with stands of my hair again. I rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It's so calming all the world around me falls away.

"Kara." He say softly.

"Huuummm." I reply snuggling myself into his chest even more. My nose brushes against the cotton of his T-shirt.

"Why did you come for me?" He asks. It takes me by surprise. I almost recoil from him in disbelief. But I don't. I stay in my position fighting back my tears.

"What do you mean? Of coarse I came to save you. I had to. And we've already had this conversation." My fighting efforts don't work and a tear escapes.


"Because i love you. And I can't live without you. Our child can't live without you." I feel his heart skip a beat as I mention our baby.

"But you got hurt. You put yourself and our daughter at risk."

"I knew what I was doing."

"I asked you not too. I asked you to stay away and save yourself. To save our baby. You could have easily have avoided hurting both of you and had a happy fore-filing life. That's all I've ever wanted for you."

"But it would be a life without you. I wouldn't have you....I would never have forgiven myself."

"You would have been fine. You don't need me. You've never needed me." His heart skips again.

"Yes I do." I say straight away. "I will always need you."

"Kara the only reason your alive is because of the baby. You can't keep almost dying for me. I know you love me but please promise me one thing. If I'm ever in a bad situation..."

"No Mon-El." I interrupt.

"Kara please if I'm going to die."

"Mon-El don't talk like that."

"Yes but I need to say it. If I'm dying. Please promise me you will not put yourself at risk to save me. I would never live with myself knowing you died for me." I feel him press his lips on top of my head.

"If that's what you want." He nods his chin against my head. " I... I promise. As long as you do something for me."

"Anything." He says softly.

"Promise me the same thing. Don't risk your life for me." I look up into his eyes.

"Kara" he tries.

"Mon-El you asked me the same thing."

"I promise." He says returning my gaze.

"Okay. And hey the baby maybe the only reason why I'm here but you gave me this baby. So tecniquly you saved me. You always do. In more ways than one. I didn't know who I was until I met you. Whether we were together or not. Whether we hated each other, you were the one thing I could be sure of. Meeting you... being with you saved me." He tilts my head up with his chin.

His soft lips touch mine so lightly I almost don't realise. He's trying to be careful in case I'm still fragile. I am. And it's probably gonna hurt but I don't care. I don't want him to be careful. I press my lips harder against his, feeling electricity flow through my body. His hands slide down to my hips and stay there. Mine reach his cheeks and make their way round to his hair. I lift myself up onto my knees so I lean over him slightly. I guide his hand down to hold my thigh, the other still on my hip. My hands reach up under his shirt and my finger nails clutch at the skin on his shoulder blades. I slowly pull away knowing this is as far as we can go for a while.

Our faces are only milermeters away and I can see the hunger in his dark eyes. I ghost my lips against his and lay on my back, leaning against him. I close my eyes lightly enjoying the warm of his embrace.

"Do you still wanna call her Hope?" He asks tenderly out of the blue.

"What?" I say slightly dazed from not concentrating.

"The baby. Do you still want to call her Hope?" He asks again. He bends his head and rest his lips on my head.

"Do you want to?" I tilt my head back to look at him.

"I mean it's up to you too. She's your daughter too. I don't wanna make the decision by myself."

"The only thing that's gonna change her future is us not dying. Her name is not going to change her personality or anything she does. It's a beautiful name. The one thing I've always tried to bring to this world is hope. To inspire people to be better and to help them. I hope she follows in our footsteps in being a role model for others. She doesn't need to have powers. She doesn't have to be a hero. She's already those things to me. To both of us. She's already saved me. Like you did. Maybe she'll be good after all. I mean she has your blood in her." I don't take my eyes away from his.

"And yours." He says down to me.

"Yeah. I guess that's a perfect combination then." I smile at him and he returns my grin. He reaches down and cups my bump with both his hands. I suddenly feel her kick the wall of my stomach. I jump at the new sensation but smile down at her safe inside me. I hear Mon-El laugh and sniff back happy tears, the same as me.


My hands rest on Kara's stomach lightly. I don't want to hurt either of them. But the strangest thing happens. I feel a small amount pressure press against my hand. I feel Kara jump against me and I do too before realizing what it is. I feel my tears rise and I let out a small laugh at my daughters new found movement. She keeps kicking against my hand for a moment but stops when I move my hand away.

"She likes you." Kara whispers and giggles at me. She takes my hand and places it back on her. Hope starts wiggling again, tiny little bumps hit my palm. I let go and take Kara's hands and place them on her stomach with mine on top of hers. I lace our fingers together but keep her palm on her. Hope kicks twice as hard as if she's excited. I watch Kara's face as she examines herself. She bites her lip through the pain of Hopes little toes but smiles widely, letting out a teary giggle, her eyes full of love and happiness.

"She likes you too." I say placing my cheek against hers so our heads are side by side watching our daughter move for the first time. I kiss Kara's cheek and lean us back so I can lay against the back of the couch and Kara can lay against me.

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