Chapter 23

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The DEOs filled with the same people it always is. It makes me wonder sometimes, do they go home? I mean obviously they do but I don't know what some people like to do on this planet. I haven't technology been here for long. Kara's been the one to guide me through Earthly things. She's always with me, like now. She's holding my hand, our fingers interlocked. She squeezes my hand as Winn walks towards us. He grabs my hand and pulls me into our usual 'bro hug' as he calls it and pats my back. Kara stands to the side of us and snickers to herself. she awkwardly slides away, biting her finger, to speak to Alex, a big smile still brightening her face.

"Hey, so I think we found out why your powers arent working as well as you know normal." Alex says as I see Kara pull her eyes away from mine to look at her sister.

"Mmmm." Kara replies. I dont want to snoop on their conversation but I wanna know. Winns trying to talk to me so I continuously nod in agreement to whatever he's saying.

"Theres an eclipse heading towards us. It will last all today and tonight." Karas eyes grow wide.

"Wait so I can't protect the city?" She sounds upset and maybe angry.

"No one can." Alex says in a calm voice. I can tell she's just as worried.

"But Mon-El hasn't lost his powers..."

"He will. The eclipse hasn't properally happened yet. I think its effecting you earlier and the most because you've been on Earth for so long and you've been so reliant on the yellow sun." I'm drawn back to myself when Winn almost starts shouting at me.

"Mon-El? Mon-El!"

"Yeah yeah I'm listening." I say trying to calm him down. I'm so bad at lying.

"As I know, you've probably heard from Alex instead of listening to me" I think he's trying to sound hurt but he just smiles at Kara and then at me. "Your gonna loose your powers too tonight so we need to run some tests." Winn and Alex share an amused expression. I look at them confused. Alex walks over and stands next to Winn. Kara joined us and clings to my arm.

"Well since J'onns away on personal business you guys are the only aliens here at the DEO." Kara giggles to herself.

"Wait wait J'onn has a personal life?!" Alex trys to hold in her laughter at Karas remark but Winn just goes for it. A wide smile plays on my lips as I look down at Kara.

"Anyway... We need to test all your abilities. Unfortunately you have to go against each other to test your speed and agility." Me and Kara look at each other.

"Oh its on." She says smirking at me.

"I'm so gonna beat you." I answer back narrowing my eyes down at her.

"Not. A . Chance." She crosses her arms.

"We'll see.."

"Okay if your guys have finished what it is you've got going on there." Winn waves his hand in between us. "Then we can get going." We all walk to the training room. Every time me and Kara catch each other looking at each over we grin and narrow our eyes pulling our best stern faces, Which obviously doesn't work and ends up with us trying not to explode with laughter.

"Okay Kara can you fly?" Alex asks. Kara jumps off the floor into the air. She looks okay until she softly crashes back down.

"Ill take that as a no." Alex replies to Karas attempt. "Mon-El we'll have to test your leaping out side."

"What if I can't?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Then you go splat. Like a pancake." Winn adds.

"Okay great. We are definitely not doing that." I say moving towards Kara.

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