Chapter 24

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"Hey" I lay on my side watching as he starts to wake up.

"Hey" Mon-Els eyes slowly open and focus on mine.

"What?" I ask giggling.

"Nothing. Its just you look different."

"Im just happy." I say a big grin spreading on my face.

"Yeah?" He pulls me closer to him.

"Yeah. Like butterflies in my stomach happy." I pause realising what I just said. "Is that Cheesy?"

"Its like a Rom-com on steroids cheesy." He smiles to himself. "But im happy your happy." I blush at his words. He kisses me quickly.

"I guess now would be a good time to get up." He sighs at me.


"I know. I know but we need to be at the DEO in like 20 minutes." He drapes his very heavy, muscular arm over my waist.

"You do realise I could just move you?" I place my hands on his arm.

"No you can't."

"And whys that?"

"Because we could just stay here. And cause you haven't got your powers back yet." His expression is apologetic.

"Urrrhh. This is so boring! I need to be out there saving people." I look out of the window.


"I didn't mean I didn't want to be with you."

"I know. It sucks being stuck here. Your Supergirl. It must be hard for you not to be right now. Dont worry its only for today then you can do all the saving you want."

I get up and make my way to the fridge. We literally have nothing.

"Did you do the shopping?" I shout back to him.

"What's shopping?" I roll my eyes and pear around the corner of the bedroom. He shrugs a t shirt on and walks over towards me.

"So I maybe didn't know what to get. Or even how to do it. I mean this is the first time I was meant to do it on my own and I didn't want to do it without you."

"So out of everything we've faced: Aliens, Meta-humans and your scared of...vegetables?" I laugh at his childishness.

He pouts and nods his head like a sad child. I laugh and push him away playfully. I walk over to the cupboard and grab some old cereals. Before I can find the date on them, a pair of large arms wrap around my waist and tickle my sides.

"Mon-El what are you doing? Stop...stop...Hey that tickles." I try to say through my laughter. He starts kissing my neck which is even more ticklish. I bite my lip trying not to fall for his actions. But that proves too difficult. I twist myself around in his arms so I can face him. His lips find mine easily. He lifts me up onto the counter which is not a good idea since I sit on the box of cereals. We both giggle as we hear a crunch and I move them from under me.

"You know there is something different about you." He whispers.

"And what would that be?"

"I dunno. Your cheeks are pinker than usual I guess."

"Well, Mon-El, maybe that's because you've been kissing me. And that's what happens when a very attractive man kisses me." He smiles at me which I can feel makes me blush even more.

"Oh I've been kissing you?" He asks raising an eyebrow.


"So who was the one who pushed me into the apartment last night?" He pulls his best thinking face, looking up at the ceiling.

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