Chapter 22

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As soon as we get through the door, Winn is the first to notice.

"Kara!" He shouts as we get closer.

"Hey Winn!" I say as he gets up to hug me.

How was it. Did u have fun?" He says just as Alex tried to suggest.

"Yes thank you Winn we had a lot of fun." I say dismissing his under tone.

"Okay." He winks at me, not discreetly at all. He's meant to be the smart one i think whilst laughing to myself. Everyone looks at me.

"I'm gonna the training room." I try to to say as if I wasn't just trying to get out the the awkward situation. I make my way to the training room and unlock the heavy iron doors. For some reason their harder to push and I struggle to get them open. I give up and make my way to the normal door on the next floor. I walk across the balcony and down the metal stairs.

This is often the place I stand and watch Mon-El train and smash concrete blocks. I love watching him. For some reason studying his movements is somehow satisfying. Plus I love everything he does. The way his muscles flex when he hits the targets or when he resumes his starting stance. He's so perfect. But I never usually get to watch him for long enough as he always seem to sense me behind him.

I snap my self out of my perfect boyfriend fantasy as I take in the room. I make my way over to an already set up concrete block. I just want to punch and kick the hell out of it since my embarrassing moment. But why am I so worked up about it? I start bouncing on my tipy toes before punching straight into the middle of the block. I hear a crunch but the block's still in tact. Pain floods up my arm in violent waves.

I pull my hand away to see my knuckles covered in blood, my wrist limp. I drop to my knees holding my hand in the other, trying to hold my tears back. It doesn't help. I get up on my feet and kick the block with all my anger. Why am I hurt? The pains making me angry but my kick has no effect on the block. It overwhelms me and my tears flow down my face.

"Kara?" I hear his voice behind me from the stairs. How did I not sense his presence or hear him come in? My super strength and super hearing isn't working. I dry my eyes on my good arm and turn around to face him trying to hide my hand with the other.

"Yeah." I manage to choke out. No more tears have betrayed me. Yet.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned, probably because he can see how red my face and eyes are. He's so observant like that.

"Yeah I'm fine just beating this up." I say as happy as I can but he just looks at the block with a concerned and confused look. Then I think he notices the blood stain on the face of the block as his expression turns to sadness. He looks at me, his wide eyes full of concern.

"Mon-El I'm fine honestly." He walks over to me placing his hands on my waist before placing his lips on mine. Our kiss is soft but then he presses harder to deepen it, leaning into me. I want to wrap my arms around him so badly but I can't move them. He takes my hands in his and I draw in a sharp breath at his touch. I don't think he knows why as he moves my hands round his neck. I scream into his mouth and stop kissing him straight away, taking my hands away.

"Kara?" He asks as I try to put as much space between us as possible.

"Kara?!" He asks again but I can't explain this to him. I hate others seeing me weak.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE MON-EL!! OKAY?!" I scream at him now from the other side of the room.

"No." He says quickly. He doesn't even hesitate even though his face is full of hurt. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." He sounds calm but I can't say like that.

"MON-EL NOTHING'S WRONG I JUST NEED SOME TIME OKAY?! TO SORT OUT....TO FIGURE OUT...ARH JUST GO!!" I turn around to face away from him. Wait why am I so angry?

"Mon-El. I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted..well screamed at you. I'm so sorry." He walks over and pulls me into his arms as I cry into his chest.

"Its okay Kara I know this isn't you. Ill give you some space." He says turning to walk back up the stairs.

"No wait! Please." I outstretch my arm to grab his shirt but I use my bad arm. I gasp trying not to scream. He turns around just before I can hide my hand. He takes it so delicately I didn't even realise he's touching me.

"What happened?" His voice is so warm and soft I almost melt.

" the block." I say defeated.

"I don't understand. If you do anything to it it normally crumbles into a million pieces." His eyes are still fixed on my shattered lower arm.

"I don't understand either." Finally the tears betray me properly. "It hurts so much." I sob at him. His eyes grow even softer, if that's even possible, and he pulls me into another hug, this time cautious of my hand.

"We need to get you to Alex or at least get medical help." He says still holding me tight.

"No. I just want to go home. Please? I'm sure I'll heal myself. I'm sure it's just a glitch in my powers." I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"No we're going to the med bay."

"Then we can go home?" I say into his shirt.

"Yes Kara. Then we can go home. We just need to make sure your okay."

He drapes his arm around my shoulders and guides me to the med bay. I see Alex patching up another agent in one of the rooms. I try to walk straight past but someone points me out to her and she comes rushing out of the room.

"Kara? What happened? are you bleeding?" So many questions. Mon-El knows I'm too far out of it to reply. I'm so overwhelmed with the pain so he talks for me.

"She punched a concrete block." He says plainly.

"The training block?" He nods. "One of the ones we've had to replace about 7 million times because you and Kara normally destroy them?" He nods again. I can't bring myself to make eye contact with her. I see her indicate for Mon-El to take me into a room on the left. She examines my hand for a second then starts prodding it. I move it away quickly from her touch.

"Kara you've broken your knuckles and your wrist and I think you may have dislocated your shoulder." Great now she has to put it back in place.

"Kara i have to do it now." I just nod without realizing what she said. Mon-El follows her instructions and repositions me on the bed before taking my good hand. His other hand is on my good shoulder, I presume to hold me down. He squeezes my hand and says something to me in his smoothing voice. The next thing I know my shoulder feels like its on fire and i try to wiggle away. I struggle under Mon-El's grip. I think he's holding me down. I can't tell my visions too blurry. The world starts changing from normal to black and back again as I feel Alex do something to my hand. When she's done I just about feel Mon-El kiss my forehead before the worlds goes.


I carry Kara into her apartment and lay her down carefully on the bed. I wanted her to stay at the DEO but every time she came around she begged me to take her home. I move the covers over her body as she snuggles into the pillow. I climb in next to her watching her sleep until my eyes finally close.

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