Chapter 58

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It's not safe here. Whatever just happened to Mon-El, it's bad. I've never seen anything like it. I have to push my fears of hurting Hope away, I have bigger things now to keep us both safe from. No matter what happened with Mon-El even if it's not anything serious, what he did, I can't let him near Hope.

I gently scoop her up into my arms and run out the apartment. I can't risk flying with her. I reach our car and drive to the DEO as fast as possible, calling Alex as I turn onto the main road.


"Kara?" I ask as I pick up my phone.

"Alex? You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine you?" I reply.

"I'm on my way to the DEO. Something happened with Mon-El. I'll fill you in later. I need to get Hope somewhere safe." I can tell by her voice somethings not right.

"Kara what's going on? I'm sure whatever happened couldn't have been bad. Do you wanna speak to him?" I can almost hear her thoughts.

"What?! He's with you?!" She screams at me.

"Yeah he's here at the DEO talking to Winn."

"Alex somethings wrong with him. I don't know what it is but it isn't good. You need to stay away from him. He almost killed me."

"What? Okay Kara don't come here." I turn around to see Mon-El speaking to Winn. "Kara go to my place I'll meet you there as soon as I can." I try to use a calm voice as I process what Kara just told me. He tried to kill her. Kara wouldn't lie.

"Okay." I hear her take a deep breath.

"I love you." I say trying to reassure her.

"Love you too." She replies before ending the call.

I walk over to Mon-El, cautious of each step. He looks over at me only when I am very close.

"Who were you talking to?" Winn asked.

"Kara." I hear Mon-El catch his breath as soon as I mention her name.

"How is she? How's Hope? I mean I've already asked Mon-El." He asks smiling. He loves being noisy.

"They're fine." I nod slightly edging the conversation on. Winn does the same but more awkwardly. "Kara seemed a bit shaken up though. Mon-El is she okay? Is there anything or has anything happened to make her uneasy?" I ask looking at his every expression. Nothing. It's like he's put on a mask.

"No not that I know of." He shakes his head as if to dismiss me altogether. Something is definitely wrong. His eyes are almost glazed over and he has no emotion in them. Normally when he talks about Kara even if it's just one word he'd practically fan girl but there's nothing.

"I'll go find her see if everything's okay." He starts to walk towards the balcony but I grab his arm as he walks past me.

"I'm sure she's fine. Probably just nerves after everything that's happened with her powers and stuff. You worry too much sometimes." His eyes look like I just ignited a flame because I've stopped him.

"I worry because I love her." He pulls out of my grip and continues to walk.

"Mon-El! She doesn't want you to check on her!" I run to catch up with him but he's already stopped and turned around to face me.


"She doesn't want you to be with her right now. She told me what happened." I step forwards so I'm very close to him, so no one else can hear me but him. "I know you tried to kill her. Now I don't know if that's true and, frankly I don't want to believe it, but if it's true I am not letting you anywhere near my sister or my niece is that understood?" I stand up straight standing my ground against him, our bodies almost touching.

"Do not tell me what to do Alex." I grab his arm again to talk to him but he swings round and throws me across the room, my body narrowly missing the stairs. He continues again towards the balcony and takes off without so much as a glance back.


"Kara." Alex sounds out of breath.

"Alex? You okay?"

"Kara you need to leave. Don't come here. Don't go anywhere Mon-El can predict. Not even my apartment. Go somewhere he doesn't know okay? I know what you mean now. Something is wrong. Very wrong. We need to keep you and Hope as safe as possible." I try and process everything she just said.

"Okay. I know where." I say taking a left.

"Okay just don't tell me he could be listening." Alex says under her breath.

"I know." I almost whisper. The threat of him listening in makes me not want to be heard at all.

"Stay safe."

"I will." I end the call and drive to the one place Mon-El has never been. He doesn't even know where it is.


"You plan is actually working." I turn from the huge screens that had been recording the DEO and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Yes well what did you expect? The only problem is he had the perfect opportunity to kill her and he didn't take it."

"Maybe your 'super virus' isn't as good as, strong as you said it was."

"Do not question my work Rhea. It will be done. It will just take more time than anticipated to fully brake him and allow him to fulfill his duty. Once we are rid of Supergirl we will bring the world to its knees."

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