Chapter 33

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I still don't know how to tell him. I've been sat on this couch for about 4 hours daydreaming and thinking about what to say. I have a script in my head and everything. I know that when I do get round to it I will forget everything.

Arden's words ring in my head as I finally realize what she was really saying. When we defeated Reign and she was leaving with the legion she said. 'I know the three of you will be very happy.' And then Alex came up behind us. But now I see she meant me, Mon-El and the baby not Alex. I should have worked it out sooner since I already know she could see into the future and she's physic.

If only I had my powers right now. But I don't and I don't hear someone approach the front door and start to unlock it. I can't even x-ray vision it to see who it is. So I wait like a normal person until the door slowly opens.

"Hi." Mon-El chimes from the doorway. I readjust the blanket I have over my lap to cover my stomach. I know I'm being over cautious.

"Hi." I say back as he walks over to me. He bends down and kisses me.

"What was that for?" I ask smiling.

"For just being you" he replies returning my smile. His maybe happier than mine.

"And..." he takes his hand from behind his back and presents my with the prettiest bouquet of roses.

"Awww Mon-El! I don't deserve these." I say examining them.

"Of coarse you do babe." I bite my lip trying not to cry. I hate lying. "Why wouldn't you?" He asks. I attempt to get up but fail miserably.

"I...I um.... hey look you big idiot you left the price tag on them!"I laugh at my uncertain words trying to cover them up. I go to take the price off but I can't distract myself from looking at it. "Oh my God. Mon-El! How much did you spend on one set of flowers?"

"Hey I am allowed to treat you once in a while. He laughs. "If I wanna buy my lady flowers and spoil her then that's what I will do." He sits down next to me.

"Your talking about me right?" I joke. He hits me in the arms playfully. "And please don't ever say that again." I say smiling.

"What? my lady?" He's winding me up.

"Yes" Without realising my smile has turned into laughter.

"Okay my lady." He gives me his dopey little grin.

"No stop!" I can't help but laugh at how adorable his face is. He moves his hand up to my face and keeps it on my cheek for a while. I lean into his touch closing my eyes, his warm palm comforting. He leans in and kisses me softly. I join in returning the kiss. Our lips move in sync but he leans into it more. I pull away quickly. I'm scared of taking it any further.

"Kara, are you okay?" He asks I can hear the worry in his voice. I bite my lip and look down.

"Yeah it's just you know I don't think it's a good idea to get too into it with my leg right now and everything." I try to reassure him with another warm smile.

"Yeah no sorry. I should have thought about that." He turns his head to face me.

"It's totally fine. I didn't either." That must be the most awkward and cringe thing I've ever said to him.

"Hey what other stuff? You said 'my leg and everything' what's everything? Are you okay?" His face becomes increasingly concerned. He rests his head on his fist as he leans his elbow against the back of the couch.

"No im fine. I just meant my shoulder and stuff. And I need to talk to you about..." at that convenient moment our phones ring.

I answer mine putting it on speaker.

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