Chapter 17

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I can feel Kara tossing and turning. I turn over to look at her. She screams as she jolts up into a sitting position. I sit up quickly pulling her into me.

"Hey its okay I'm here." I rock us back and forwards slowly until I feel her body relax.

"Nightmare?" She nods against my chest. I can hear her crying.

"What was it about?" She looks up at me. "You don't have to tell me." Her eyes get deeper as she takes a deep breath.

"Loosing you. I kept repeating when you left and then I dreamt about us fighting Reign and you died and i can't..."

"Shhhh nothings going to happen to us. I promise." I lay back down taking her gently with me.

"How long has this been happening?" I guess I already know the answer.

"Since you left" she whispers. I stroke her hair to calm her down and she falls back to sleep in my arms.


"Hey how are you feeling." I say to her. I look over and she's stirring out of her sleep.

"I'm okay." She says getting up. I do the same and make my way to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go shower." She walks over to me and kisses my cheek. I start breakfast as I hear the water run. She walks back out of the bathroom ten minutes later in just her towels, one around her body and one around her hair.

"Ooooo i smell...BACON!" She grabs a peace off her plate. "And hash brown and..."

"That would be the coffee which... Ooo is done." I turn around quickly to grab the coffee jug. I pour her some and drink the rest. She laughs at me as I swallow some.

"One sec." She disappears behind her curtains that divide her bedroom from the main part of the apartment. She reappears wearing a royal blue blouse and a black skirt. She walks back over pinning the last piece of her hair into place.

"Beautiful." I say leaning on the counter with my fist under my chin. I grin at her and she lets out a little laugh of embaracement. She has nothing to be embraced about. Our breakfast is full of laughter and wide smiles. We laughed more than we talked.

"We should go to the DEO now." She says finishing her second serving.

"Okay." I get up to put the dishes in the dishwasher. We walk over to the window and fly together without changing into our suits.


I land by myself wanting to keep Mon-El a surprise. Alex, Winn and J'onn all spot me and run over. They enclose me in a massive group hug.

"Kara are you okay. I haven't heard from you..." She stops as she sees Mon-El land behind us.

"MON-EL!" They all shout in amazement. Before he can walk fully into the building Winn leaps over and practically jumps onto him.

"Mon-El I can't believe your back! Good to see you buddy!" He pats Mon-Els back. "Woohooo I have my best friend back!" Winn screams. Everyone in the building turns to look at him.

"Good to see you too buddy." Mon-El says now patting Winns back probably harder than he should have. Winn walks back towards us holding his back. Its really funny. Alex is next to hug Mon-El followed by J'onn giving him a fatherly embrace.

"Actually J'onn, Alex I need to speak to you two for a second...In private." I turn and walk towards the control panel with Winn before turning back around to watch their conversation. It looks serious. Both J'onn and Alex are fixed on what Mon-El is saying. Alex says something and gives him a hard look before rejoining us whilst J'onn shakes his hand and pats Mon-Els shoulder.

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