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"I got your message what can i do to help" Barry looked at Mon-El and Alex for an answer when Maggie piped up from the background.

"We need you to search all of Central and national City. Plus hi your the Flash!"

"Sorry and you are...?"

"Barry this is my girlfriend detective Maggie Sawyer."

"Oh Karas told me about you. Hi. Ill get right on that also should i ask Oliver to help the search"

"Yes" Mon-El said immediately

"No" Alex snapped.

"We need all the help we can get" Maggie added.

"As long as he doesnt kill anyone fine" Alex said with a sharp undertone only Barry noticed.

"Okay Siscos already running facial recognition for all of National, central and starling city we should hear from him soon"

As soon as he finished he was gone and back in a flash. "

I can't see anything" he put his finger to his ear "Sisco you got anything."

"As a matter of fact" Iris cut him off.

"Theres CCTV footage of Lillian Luthor leaving a warehouse off of fourth and main two weeks ago and another of her leaving within the last 24 hours. How long has kara been gone"

"Almost three months" Alex said down Barrys coms. Mon-El bit his lip.

"Oh my god guys im so sorry i didn't realise." she replied

"Its okay Iris you weren't to know" Alex reasurred her.

As Alex looked back at Barry an Arrow shot thought there gace and into he wall behind them.

"Great" Alex mumbled making her opinion very clear to the rest of the group like before.

"We need to get to that warehouse" Mon-El said breaking the silence.

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