Chapter 40

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If one things for certain, it's this. I'm getting Mon-El back.

I don't care how difficult it is, what lengths I have to go to, hell even if I have to surrender myself, I'm going to make sure he's safe.

He is not going to be in that hell hole any longer.

And another things for certain. I'm going to kill anyone that lays a finger on him.


I can't speak. No matter how hard I try to protest against anything said, I can't.

"Supergirl will come to us." Lillian says. My legs are dragged out so far behind me. These chains are literally all that stands between me and face planting the floor.

"You've been awfully quiet Mon-El. That's not like you. Perhaps I should talk about what I'm going to do to Kara, after all by the looks of you your just about hanging on." I grunt at her vial voice speaking Kara's name.

"What are you still here for Mon-El? Just let go. Be free. Forget about this torture. Kara would understand. You've brushed enough times with death to know your time must be up by now. Just sleep." She kneels down in front of me and grabs my chin. "And you'd never have to wake up." I shake my head out of her grip.

"Don't tell me your waiting for Kara. Your living for Kara. I thought you were the one who walked out on her? You regret it now though don't you. Are Mon-El you've really screwed yourself over. You walked out and now you'll probably never get to see her again." I look down not able to say anything.

"You'll never be able to her her voice again." She continues, anger and sadness rise in me.

"You'll never get to feel her again." She adds.

"Stop." I choke.

"Never get to feel her touch on your face, on your skin."

"Stop it." I breathe.

"Never get to feel her lips against yours."

"Stop. It."

"Never get to hear her whisper I love you in your ear."


"Never get to see her alive in your arms."

"STOP. STOP IT!" I scream at her. A wicked smile plays on her lips. This is what she wanted. To get under my skin. It's working. This is worse than any physical torture they could ever think of.


"Your pregnant?" Winn's voice disrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah." I say sadly. I don't want to be happy about it without Mon-El.

"I can kinda see that." He adds looking at my stomach.

"Are you mad?" I ask trying to get an honest answer.

"Am I mad? Kara what kinda question is that? Of course I'm not! I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah well I don't have a lot to be happy about right now." I sigh.

"Kara..." He tries.

"I know I should be happy about the baby but I don't want to be happy about it without Mon-El. I just watched the man I love get the shit beaten out of him and I can do nothing about it. I can't go after him cause I don't have my powers. I can't reassure him I'm coming and he's going to be okay. I can't look at him without bursting out into tears because I can't see him. All I can see is blood and cuts and a broken man." By now my tears have erupted again making new marks down my cheeks.

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