big surprise

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A/n  by the way  Lauren is a brunette  and she has light brown eyes and she is willing to fight anyone who gets on her nerves truth is a brunette and she has brown eyes and her and Lauren don't really like Jacob well they don't trust him but they are still friends in a way oh and they are both girls

Back to keionni's p o v:
I heard some one crying it sounded like Jacob but I couldn't see him I think I was still pasted out but soon I started to wake up ugh the light was so bright was I dead or am I in the bright nurse office . When I woke up Jacob saw me he looks like he's been crying his eyes were red and puffy 😢😔
Jacob: keionni your awake ❤️😊😢
Keionni: how long was I sleep
Jacob: 1st and 2nd hour so two hours
Keionni: omg wow
I tried to sit up but I pressed down on my hand and cried out in pain 😩
Jacob: oh be careful sweet heart (sitting her up)
Keionni: i forgot 😢......omg I forgot Joey is going to be mad if he gets suspended you can't tell 😨😱
Jacob: why not he can't do that to a girl
Keionni: I know but please promise me Jacob please
Jacob:......fine 😞
Keionni: oh thank you Jacob 😊(hugging him)
Jacob hugs her back and kisses her the top of her head Keionni was shocked 😧
Jacob: uhh sorry I guess I just....
Keionni: it's ok Jacob don't get all worked up it's not like you kissed me on the lips 😂
Jacob: (scratching his neck) haha yea
(A/n We all know Jacob wanted to kiss her on the lips )
Keionni: uhh Jacob
Jacob: yea cutie❤️
Keionni: can we get out of here
Jacob: yes of course 😊
So me and Jacob headed to get a pass explaining why we missed 1st and 2nd hour
So I gave my teacher my pass Jacob don't have 3rd hour with me just 2nd and lunch but truth 😊and ugh....Joey 🤢has my class
As I walked and class everyone stared at me 😒then I saw truth she looked at me and mouthed while pointing at her hand what happened to your hand by the way my hand was wrapped in a bandage. I set down behind truth
Keionni: Joey slammed my locker on my hand and it got a huge cut on it and bruises all around the cut it looks so ugly I passed out from seeing all that blood
Truth: omg I wish I was there to nock him out
Keionni: it's ok Jacob came and punched him but I don't know what else happen all I remember is waking up in the nurse office but I heard that Jacob carried me to the nurse office
Truth:😒 of course he did
Keionni: what carried me to the office
Truth: mhm😑😒
Keionni: lol 😂
I could see Joey staring at me
Keionni: ugh 😞😒
Truth:what's wrong
All I did was look at Joey and he turned his head truth noticed who I was looking at and oh boy did she get mad
Joey just looked around as if he didn't know who she was talking to
He just rolled his eyes and turned and laughed with his group and truth got out of her seat oh no don't ever make truth get out of her seat things will end bad 😬 she walked over to him and grab his collar and turned him around
Joey: HEY !
Truth: now listen to me Birlem I swear if you ever touch my keionni again I swear on your career you ain't never gonnna do another tour again and I am gonna get your pig headed girl friend to 😡
Joey: ha you don't scare me 😈
Truth grabbed his arm and twisted it and slammed him down on the desk (like how the police do to the person they are about to arrest)
Truth: don't think I am playing with you Birlem 😡
Joey: alright gosh 😑
Truth let his arm go and pushed him back into his seat told you it would end bad.
Truth: don't worry keionni you don't gotta worry about him if he does touches you again come tell me 😊
Keionni: ok truth girl 😊

Skip to lunch

So me and truth and Lauren and Jacob grabbed are lunches out of are lockers and went to lunch we set at are table and talked and ate

Lauren: keionni what happen to your hand
Keionni: Joey is what happen he slammed my hand in my locker 😒
Lauren: omg
Keionni: yea I passed out but Jacob caught me before I hit the ground and he punched Joey to 😊
Jacob: (blushing)
Lauren: oh really😏 (smirking atJacob)
Keionni: yep
Jacob: yea I am getting fed up with Joey
Keionni: yea to bad we gotta go on tour with him in a month
Jacob: yea but I will always be by your side 😊
Keionni: aww thanks best friend 😊
Jacob: no problem cutie 😊
Truth: hahah 😂
Keionni and Jacob: what's so funny 🤔😂
Truth: y'all to
Keionni: I don't get it
Truth: y'all are so cute but y'all just don't know it yet
Lauren: ouuu speaking of cute there's jack 😍
Truth: and Cameron 😍
Lauren and truth: .....sigh..... 😍
Keionni: I am going to go talk to them for you guys
Truth: what no look how I look
Lauren: yea and me
Keionni: y'all look great and plus there both single
So keionni got up and walked over to there table ignoring truth and Lauren saying no come back 😂
Keionni: hey cam hey jack
Jack and cam: Hey !
Cameron: so what's up sis
Keionni: do you see them two girls sitting at my table
Jack: the one with the hoodie on
Keionni: no that's Jacob and you know
It 😑
Jack: haha I know I am just fooling around
Cameron: anyway yes we see them
Keionni: the one with the One that has her head down likes you cam
Cameron: ouuu really 😊😍
Keionni: yep and jack the other one likes you
Jack : wow 😍
Keionni: so what do y'all think
Cameron: tell them would they like to hang out sometime 😊
Keionni: ok 😊🤗
So I headed back over to the table and they looked nervous 😂
Lauren and truth: what did they say !
Keionni: lol chill jack said would you like to hang out sometime and Cameron said they same thing to you truth
They looked like they were screaming inside but the tried to play it cool
Truth: oh yea sure
Lauren: oh yes of course
Keionni: lol hey cam and jack ! They said sure
Cameron: text me and jack there numbers !
Keionni: ok !
Lauren and truth started to silently squeaking lol
Bell ring.....
We headed back to class and as I was walking back to class someone pulled me to the corner guess who it was.....Joey 😨 I was about to scream for help but Joey covered my mouth and told me..
Joey: shh shh be quiet
Joey: I am not going to hurt you I promise 😊
Now all of a sudden he is being nice. He took his hand of my mouth
Keionni: Joey please don't hurt me I swear i didn't tell I am sorry😭(crying)
Joey: baby girl I am not mad at you don't be sorry 😊
.....did y'all hear that he called me ... baby girl 😧😮what's gotten into him
Joey: wiping her tears) don't cry meet me in front of the school after school ok 😊
Keionni: confused)....ok...🤔😳
Joey: your so cute when you are confused (laughing)trust me it will make since when I talk to you after school
Omg his laugh is adorable😊 ....wait... what am I taking about he is my bully 😧
Keionni: ok 🙃
Joey started to walk away and I just stood there like a dummy and watched him he turned his head around and smiled...umm...ok.. I have no words😮 I just shook it of and walked to class I have this class with Lauren 😊😂
Lauren: hey keionni where did you go we were worried wait was it Joey let me see your other hand 😨
Keionni:Lauren chill 😂 and yes it was Joey but he didn't hurt me he was weirdly nice to me I was so surprised
Lauren: what's gotten into him
Keionni: I think truth scared him to death that he got better sense now 😂
Lauren: lol that's my best friend 😂
Keionni: yep lol 😂

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now