Heading to florida.

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I was peacefully sleeping till a pain in my ear came I jumped up and saw Joey jumping in my bed with a horn singing/screaming and Jacob was just screaming

I was trying to process what just happened I was still tired.

Jacob: good morning keionni how are you doing this morning 😌😁(brushing the hair out of her face)
Keionni: really guys 😑😂
Joey: yep pay back hurts don't it.
Keionni: 😑😑😑
They started cracking up in fact they were laughing to hard so I decided to get back at them right now.
Keionni: you know I think I should FaceTime truth
They stopped laughing so fast and looked at me. I pressed on the button so Siri could pop up.
Keionni: hey Siri FaceTime truth girl
Siri: facetiming truth girl (Siri voice)
They boys got up off the floor and ran out the door screaming. I ended the call And started laughing. Ariel walked out of the bathroom and said.
Ariel: I heard screaming was that the crazy fan girls again.
Keionni: no that was Joey and Jacob 😂
Ariel: what they sounded like fan girls.
Keionni: i know right they were screaming because I threatened to FaceTime truth so they could leave me alone so I pretended to face time her and they got scared and ran off screaming 😂
Ariel: haha good one 😂
I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and I curled my hair and changed into this

 Keionni: i know right they were screaming because I threatened to FaceTime truth so they could leave me alone so I pretended to face time her and they got scared and ran off screaming 😂Ariel: haha good one 😂   I went to the bathroom and brushed...

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I wanted to look Florida ready.

I came out of the bathroom and Ariel said
Ariel: omg you look so pretty
Keionni: thanks Girl 😊
Ariel: your welcome

Ariel was wearing

Keionni: I like your outfit to Ariel: thanks 😊Keionni: your welcome    I grabbed my suitcase and me and my phone and charger and me and Ariel headed down to the lobby we were the first ones down here I am not surprised

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Keionni: I like your outfit to
Ariel: thanks 😊
Keionni: your welcome
I grabbed my suitcase and me and my phone and charger and me and Ariel headed down to the lobby we were the first ones down here I am not surprised. 10 minutes passed.
Keionni: Ariel I am about to go see what the boys are doing.
Ariel: ok
I headed up stairs to see the first room was cam and Arron's. The door was wide open I walked to the door way and all of the boys were fooling around and the room was a mess. I cleared my throat so all of the boys could hear me.
Keionni: what in the world.
Cameron: oh heyy Keionni um good morning.
Keionni: don't y'all know we got a flight at 7:00. Joey you should no this you screamed it in my ear this morning.
Joey: hehehe😬😁
Keionni: um who's ahem underwear is this.
Hunter: oh that's cams
I looked at it and said
Keionni: is it um clean or dirty
Cameron: what do you think
I dropped it on the floor and wiped my hand on my shorts 🤢the boys started to laugh at me. I put my hands on my hips and shook my head.
Keionni: don't y'all now we have literally 20 minutes to get to the airport
Joey: really
Keionni: yes 🙄
Johnny: why didn't you tell us
Brandon: yea since you are like are mom.
Keionni: um you guys are teens and adults Y'all are responsible.
Joey: oh tell me about it you just as bad as us you goof of too. 😋
Jacob: yea 😜
Brandon: oh just stop trying to act all grown up you are still a goofy little girl☺️
Keionni: ok ok fine 😂I goof around to but that's not the case. We should get going come on lets go
We all ran to the elevator and headed down stairs. The uber was outside and Ariel was all ready in the car we headed out the door and the boys clumsy selfs tripped and we all fell on the ground 🤦‍♀️
Keionni: you clumsy boys
Brandon: what did we do
Keionni: we fell you idiot
Brandon: I knew that I was just messing with you 😂😏😋
Keionni: just help me up 😂😆
      Brandon helped me up and I gave all the boys a really look like this 😑they started laughing at me.
Keionni: just get in the car silly heads.
   I started to grab there bags but Joey stopped me and said
Joey: hey I will help you with these
Keionni: thanks Joey.
   He grabbed half and I grabbed half and put them in the trunk. And got in the car. And drove to the airport when we got there we grabbed are stuff and rushed into the airport and they were boarding the airplane we turn in are tickets and put are suitcase on the suitcase thingy. We got on the airplane and found are seats I was sitting next to Ariel and joey. Jacob and johnny and Brandon was sitting behind us Arron and Cameron and zach was sitting across from us Blake hunter Nathan and Ashton was sitting in front of us. I started to get a little tired I could feel my eyes slowly closing but I keep opening them. I was fighting my sleep.
Joey: keionni I can tell your tired
Keionni: I am not tired
Joey: yes you are
Keionni: no
Joey: mhm..here lay your head on me

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