Our 1 year Anniversary

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Keionni's pov:

Today is Joey and I 1 year anniversary for are marriage.Joey's sleeping next to me we are going out today to some fancy restaurant then on a boat ride. I have to wake Joey up so we can get ready.

Keionni: hey Joey

Joey: yes ?.....

Keionni: today's are 1 year anniversary. We've been married for a year. I said all excited.

Joey: yes we have been sweet face. Happy 1 year anniversary. He said while sitting up and giving me a hug.

Keionni : lets get ready. I am going to call truth and Lauren and ask them can they watch Julia for us.

Joey: ok cool. Wait they don't know I am back do they ?.

Keionni: no I forgot to tell them the other day.

Joey: there going to kill me 😱.

Keionni: no silly they'll understand when I tell them why you cheated.

Joey: how about I just stay in the car.

Keionni: not happening birlem ...

Joey: uhh ok.

Keionni: haha silly goose.

Joey: hahaha😄.

I went to go get the baby out of her crib. She was standing up in the crib holding on to the bars.

Keionni: look who's up. Julia is !

She started getting excited.

Keionni: good morning mommy princess.

I picked her up and gave her kisses. I walked down stairs and made her some breakfast. A little bowl of the Gerber cereal. I put her in her high chair and started feeding her. She ate all of it.

Keionni: big girl yay

She clapped her hands.

Julia: ya ya ya. She said in baby talk.

Keionni: now you can have your bottle.

  I already had it made so I handed to her and she started drinking it.

Keionni: I am gonna pull your high chair into the living room so you can watch tv.

    I rolled her into the living room. I turned on Disney channel for her then went up stairs to get dressed. I went up stairs. I went into my closet and got my outfit. I have to wait because joeys in the bathroom.

     He came out five minutes later.

Keionni: you look cutee 😍

Joey: thanks 😁.

    I went in got dressed into this.

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Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now