Home sweet home

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I woke up and got dressed. And went down to the lobby and eat breakfast after that I went back upstairs to get my bag. I went back down stair and are uber was here. We headed to the airport. We arrived there and got on the plane and headed to la (not for disney for the tour). We got on the plane and headed to la. We Did tour for two days there and went to Arizona we did one stop there then headed to Chicago and did a show there then we headed to Ohio and did two shows there after that we headed to Detroit and did a show there. Since we all lived in Michigan except for Arron and Ariel and Blake and zach and Nathan  we stayed and went home tour was now over sadly I am going to miss it I had so much fun. Me and Joey was in a uber heading home. I started to think about the memories of tour and the fun we had and now I am leaving in four more days to start my new life in LA I have to be there for four years I can't go to school anymore well I have to do online I can't graduate with my friends and Joey. I am going to miss all my high school stuff. Tears started to form in my eyes. I then started to cry.

Joey: keionni what's wrong 😧

Keionni: (crying) Joey I only have four more days left here in Michigan then I am going to be gone for four years that's a long time I am going to miss all of high school I can't graduate with you guys. And I know we say we can wait on each other but don't humans usually move on after so long.

Joey: (wiping her tears)keionni I will always like you that's a promise and yea there is going to be other cute girls over the years but nobody can beat you I adore you I will always text you and we can face time and I will try my hardest to visit you. This is a huge opportunity for you you love acting and you also love Disney you always said you wanted to be on Disney now look at you I am so proud of you.

Keionni: thanks Joey your right I need to just think of the happines
out of this.

Joey: yes do that you will be ok I promise.

Keionni: thanks Joey (hug him) but wait (stops hugging him) what about OLIVIA Joey oh no what if she try's to get back with you and she will probably try to get back at me and.....

Third persons POV:
Joey cut her off by grabbing her face and kissed her she worries to much doesn't she. They kissed for about 10 seconds then he pulled away.

Joey: stop worrying (chuckles) Olivia is going to do nothing if she does me and truth and the rest of your friends Got your back

Keionni: thanks Joey ❤️

Joey: your welcome 😊❤️

(Oh yea it's back to keionni's POV)

The uber stopped in front of are houses. Me and Joey got out.

Joey: hey maybe later all of us can hang out like me you truth and Lauren and Jacob.

Keionni: yea we should. Bye Joey see you later

Joey: bye kei

We hugged and went into are houses. Has soon as I got in I saw a banner that said welcome home Keionni I went into the kitchen and saw my mom she turned around and yelled.


She had a cake in her hands that says welcome home.

Keionni: thanks mom I missed you

Mom: I missed you to it felt like a years since i saw you. (Sitting the cake on the table) so how was it

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now