Keionni...girllll!!!! 😱😲😮😀

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I woke up and looked around I looked up at Joey and smiled And gave him a quick kiss. I got out his grip and set up.

When I set up my head was throbbing. Ugh I stood up and almost fell over. I felt a little dizzy and weak..

Joey: baby ?

Keionni: oh good morning sweetie.

Joey: are you alright do I need to help you ? .

Keionni: no it's ok I am good but thanks.

I grabbed my clothes out of my suitcase and went and the bathroom and took a shower and got dressed.

I went back into the room. Joey grabbed his clothes and walked up to me and kissed my head.

Joey: I love you ❤️

Keionni: I love you too ❤️.

He smiled and walked in the bathroom. I set down on the bed and held my head.

Joey came out the bathroom dressed.

Joey: are you ready to head to the airport.

Keionni: yep. I stood up slowly.

Joey walked over to me and held my arm.

Joey: um are you sure your ok.

Keionni: I am sure babe. I lied

I just don't want him to worry a lot. Joey grabbed my luggage and his and we walked to the elevator. We headed down to the lobby.

We got off the elevator and saw mrs Wilson and her oldest daughter in the lobby, we met them at the beach yesterday.

Wilson: hello Keionni and Joey, we hoped you guys loved Hawaii.

Joey: we did

Keionni: yea it was amazing.

Mrs Wilson: um Keionni you look a little pale are you ok.

Keionni: um yea.

Lucy: no your not I know the look when I see it.

Keionni: huh ?

Lucy: oh you'll see, good luck.

Are uber pulled up they help us out are stuff inside. I got in the car. And headed to the airport. We got out the car and We got are tickets and boarded the plane. We set down, I laid my head on joeys arm.

  He played with my hair and asked...

Joey: baby I don't think you are ok.

Keionni: I just feel different.

Joey: oh I am sorry.

Keionni: aww it's not your fault

  I felt my eyes get heavier by the second. I then fell asleep.

11 hours later:

Joey's pov: 

    Keionni slept the whole ride that's not normally like her she love plane rides.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now