A Bad dream and seening my siblings again

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  It was cold and dark I couldn't see anything i think I am passed out i can't remember anything. I started to wake up slowly. I looked around and I was in the woods I was being dragged by someone.

Keionni: stop who are You let me go

Person: no you deserve this big time

Keionni: what are you taking about.

Who ever it was threw me at a tree and came closer to me I looked closer blinking my eyes slowly because I was really dizzy. I looked and it was Olivia ! 😱.

Keionni: Olivia !?

Olivia: took you long enough to figure i
out who.

Keionni: Olivia why are you doing this.

Olivia: because you reined my life !!!! She said yelling dead in my face.

Keionni:  is this about Joey ?

Olivia: yesss !!!!! And not just only that you got the fame and I didn't everyone loves you !! Everyone thinks I am a psycho. She said with hurt In Her voice.

Keionni: Olivia I can help you we can be friends your just misunderstood

Even though she is kind of crazy.


Keionni: I was just trying to help you ! Gosh Why am I tied up anyways ?

Olivia: oh yea that well your not going back home.

Keionni: what do you mean I am not going home ?!!

Olivia: your going to pay for what you did. She Pointed towards a bridge with the river flowing under it.

Keionni: .......no.......Olivia.....no......you can go to jail.

Olivia: so at least I'll no when I get out I can take everything away that you had including Joey. He's going to be mine ! You don't deserve him !!!. And who said I was going to jail😏😈

Keionni: Olivia please. I said with fear in my voice.

Olivia: to late... any last words Hicks 😈

Keionni: Olivia please stop you can't kill me I have a life just like you I am a human just like you !!!!!! 😭. I said will balling my eyes out.

Olivia: nope..she said as she started dragging me towards the bridge.

Keionni: STOP LET ME GO NOW !😭

Joeys POV: I felt something moving a lot. I opened my eyes and saw keionni twisting and turning in her sleep. I leaned over her to see her face and she had tears coming down her cheeks. she's must be having a bad dream. I have to wake her up.

Joey: keionni wake up. I said softly shaking her.

She started to breathe very very hard.

Joey: come on princess wake up your scaring me 😨

She didn't wake up she just keep crying and breathing hard.

Keionni's POV:

Olivia stood me up by the edge of the bridge.

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