Its time...

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               Two months later.........

  Keionni's pov:

   Me and Joey are currently on set of are new movie we're not filming it yet we're just getting getting things together. When we finished it was really late and I am so tired.

Joey: are you ready to go home.

Keionni: yes most definitely.

Joey: ok haha

Keionni: bye Kevin see you next week.

Kevin (the director): bye love. He said in his British accent.

Keionni: haha I love his accent 😁.

Joey: haha come on 😂.

   We left the set and drove home. As we were driving my stomach cramped up.

Keionni: ouch

Joey: are you ok ?

Keionni: yea my stomach just cramped up out of no where..

Joey: oh...well when we get home you can rest all you want ok ?

Keionni: ok....

    When we got home I opened the car door and tried to get out but failed.

Joey: it's ok I'll help you.

    He ran over and helped me out of the car. I wobbled in to the house holding my back. We went up stairs and I changed into my pajamas and laid down. 

Joey: are you sure you are ok ?

Keionni: yes..

Joey: ok

   I turned on the tv and watched it. Joey came and laid down next to me.

Joey: goodnight 😊❤️.

Keionni: goodnight 😊❤️.

    I slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep.

4:00 am ..........

    I woke up to a strong pressure in my stomach.

Keionni: ou !

   I felt something wet in the bed..I looked down... water broke...

Keionni: ouch !. I said getting up.

    I saw Joey sit up fastly.

Joey: what's wrong !

Keionni: my water broke Joey 😰

Joey: w-what um ok let's get to the hospital.

Keionni: ok.

    Joey picked me up and speed walked to the car. This hurt so bad like really bad 😵😥. 

Keionni: ouchhh !. I said in major pain.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now