Meeting some new friends

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I woke up and got dressed and then ate my breakfast my. After my mom dropped me off at the set. We filmed episode 2 that will be coming out on Friday. After my mom picked me up and we went back to the house. I went up to my room and went on my phone.

5 minutes later

Ugh I am bored now if I had truth Lauren and Jacob and Joey living right next to me this wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I should go explore around and get to know we're some things are. I end downstairs.

Keionni: mom can I go explore LA

Mom: sure

Keionni: ok I'll be back soon

Mom: ok

I left out the house and walked down the street. It's so nice out. As I was walking I saw Starbucks and of course me being me went and got some. I walked inside .

Keionni: hello can I have a smalll berry tea.

Cashier: sure

She went to the back and made the drink and gave it to me.

Cashier: that will be $3

I reached in my pocket and gave her the money.

Cashier: thank you I've a nice day.

Keionni: you too

This remind me of me truth Lauren and Jacob when we all use to get are Starbucks 😂 I miss them. As I was thinking about old times I fell over.

Keionni: AHHHH 😱

I fell on a dog. He started to lick my face none stop.

Keionni: HAHAHAH that tickles.

Girl: stop angel.

A girl said while running towards me and the dog.

Girl: bad girl (grabbing the dogs leash)

She helped me up off the ground.

Girl: I am so sorry

Keionni: it's ok I love dogs and animals

Girl: me too My name is ruby. Ruby turner.

She said holding her hand out. Omg that names sounds like I hear it before or said it before. I shook her hand.

Keionni: my name is keionni. Keionni Hicks

Omg is this Ashton's girlfriend omg its ruby rose turner.

Ruby: um are you ok you look excited.

Keionni: are you dating Ashton Rowland ?!😃

Ruby: yes I am (blushing)

Keionni: OMG RUBY I TOUR WITH HIM. Well use too. Your the famous RUBY ROSE TURNER

Ruby: OMG I thought I noticed you. Your the famous keionni Hicks

Keionni: haha yes

Ruby: and your dating Joey birlem

Keionni: yes I am

Ruby: #KOEY I love # KOEY

Keionni: and I love #RASHTON

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now