Decorating Jaxson's room

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Today we are decorating Jaxson room. We went to the mall to get something's . when we got home we went to his room to decorate. Julia helped us too she's so adorable. We finished like 4 hours later.

This is how it looked

Keionni: this is so cute

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Keionni: this is so cute

Joey: I know I can't wait till he gets here.

Julia: me too 😁😄. I so happy I got to decorate jaxson's room

Keionni: haha

Joey: haha

Keionni: well it's almost time for him to come out of mommy's belly.

Julia: oh really mommy.

Keionni: yes princess haha.

Julia: that's weird

Keionni: how ?

Julia: because how is the baby gonna get out anyways.

Keionni: oh boy.

Julia: never mind I know the answer. "I'll tell you when your older" I know I know. She said throwing her hands in the air.

Joey: ahahaha

Keionni: ahahahaha.

     She's so funny and sarcastic. She gets it from her parents 😂💕.

Julia: mommy can we have family fun night.

Keionni: sure 😊.

Joey: oh yea family fun night my favorite.

Julia: daddy you always win at the games.

Joey: well that's because daddy is a champ.

Julia: whatever you say 😅.

    We played two games and Julia won. Yes one game we let her win but the other game she won by herself.

   Later that night. 
   We all had pizza for dinner and we watched a movie. Julia ended up falling asleep. So Joey carried her up stairs to put her to bed.

  He came back down stairs.

Joey: And now it's time for me to carry my other baby. Well both of my other babies. He said referring to me and jaxson.

Keionni: hahaha.

   Joey walked over to me and picked me up bridal style. He smiled down at me. I smiled back.

  We got upstairs to our bedroom. Joey set me in the bed. He went to the draw and picked out me some pajamas.

  I changed into them. I grabbed my brush and was about to brush my hair.

Joey: here let me brush your hair for you sweetheart. I got you 😊.

Keionni: thanks. Your so sweet.

  He smiled in response and started brushing my hair into a bun. After he finished he kissed my top of head.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me softly. To the top of the bed . We laid back on the pillows.

Joey: I love you 😊❤️. He said looking me in my eyes.

Keionni: I love you to my sweet boy. I said with a shy smile.

   He brought his nose down to mine.

Joey: I love having a family with you. He said brushing his finger across my cheek.

Keionni: Me too it's fun. And a dream come true.

Joey: your such a fairytale, princess. 😂.

Keionni: oh thank you. Thank you. But don't let our little princess hear that. She's going to be like, but I thought I was the princess 😂💕💜.

Joey: haha yea. Our little princess.

Keionni: I love that little girl.

Joey: me too.

Keionni: and our upcoming prince.

Joey: yes we got the whole fairytale kingdom 😂.

Keionni: yes we do. We have the Best kingdom.

Joey: yes we do. He said while laughing.

   He grabbed my cheek and gave me a kiss.

Joey: love you 😍

Keionni: I love you too precious little angel. 

Joey: oh I am your little precious angel.

Keionni: yes because it's such an honor to be a angel ya know. Like they are so beautiful and we're all going to be an angel one day. They have such bright eyes with very beautiful faces. Just like you. I said happily.

     I felt the baby kick with force.

Keionni: ouch ! Jaxson. Don't kick mommy. I said pouting.

    He kicked again:

Keionni: fine I'll shut my mouth and let you sleep.

  Joey was  laughing at me.

Keionni: I am going to bed because clearly our son wants to sleep and wants me to shut up. I said poking at my baby bump.

Joey : ok son we'll let you sleep.

   We laughed then went to sleep.

A/n: hey guys sorry the chapter is short but there going to be some interesting last chapters coming up. Oh and I passed all my exams yay. Today was are last day of school so I am a officially a sophomore! 😂 yayy. Happy summertime ! 🌈☀️💕💜


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