Time to go home

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I woke up to my phone ringing. It was my mom


Keionni: hello

Mom: hey sorry to wake you up but it's time to go home I just got a call from your agent and he said you have some stuff to do so he wants you home early.

Keionni: ok see you Ill be there in a minute.

Mom: ok bye

Keionni: bye.

End of call.

I have to tell Joey.

Keionni: Joey baby wake up. I said running my hand threw his hair.

Joey: hmm

Keionni: they want me to come home early.

Joey: what. He said getting up quickly

Keionni: I have to go home early.

Joey: really ?. He said with a sad voice

Keionni: yea.

Joey: sigh* ok let's get you home.

I walked over to kree and woke her up.

Keionni: kree kree I have to leave.

Kree: huh ok

She got up and grabbed the bag.

I walked over to cam.

Keionni: bye cam

He woke up.

Cameron: where are you going

Keionni: I have to go home.

Cameron: oh.....bye sis. He said hugging me.

Keionni: bye

Cameron: truth wake up. He said shaking truth softly

Truth: yes. She said getting up fast.

Cameron: Keionni is about to go home like home LA home

Truth: what really already

Keionni: yea I have to come home early.

Truth: ok bye girl I'll miss you.

Keionni: bye I'll miss you to

I walked over to Jacob.

Keionni: Jacob. I said while softly moving his shoulder

Jacob: hm

Keionni: I have to go home like back to LA home

Jacob: what already. He said getting up fast.

Keionni: yea sorry bestfriend I have some business to take care off.

Jacob: ok love you..see you soon ?

Keionni: love you too and yes see you soon.

I got up and said..

Keionni: when everyone wakes up tell them I said bye and sorry I had to leave so soon and I love them.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now