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2 months later.

     Well it's been 2 months and no sign of joey. I miss him. I haven't took off my ring because I love him.  I know he's coming back. The baby is now 7 months almost 8 months . She's getting so big !. She's crawling and eating table food and she cute her two bottom teeth in the front she's still teeth. And she learnt how to say dad. Which is pretty said because he's not even here to hear her say it. I show her pictures everyday of joey so she can get the idea that's her dad.

    We are currently watching minnie mouse boutique on Disney jr Julia is in her high chair eating cheeros.

   I heard a knock at the door.

Keionni: its open.

  It was Charles he's coming over to tell me news about Joey.

Keionni: hey char.

Charles: hey kei

Keionni: have you heard from him.

Charles: he texted me once he said if he tells me what happened he might get in trouble.

Keionni: I swear if Olivia hurts him I am going to kill her myself.

Charles: wow look who's getting feisty.

Keionni: yes me because no one messes with my family.

Charles: so true.

     Julia started winning.

Keionni: are you ready Tibet out princess.

     She reached for me moving her hands signaling for me to get her out. I unbuckled her and took her out.

  Julia noticed Charles and laughed and started reaching for him.

Charles: hiii princess J. He said picking her up.

      She laughed and clapped her hands. Awww she's so cutee.

Julia: da da.

     What did she just say.

Julia: da da !

Keionni: Uh oh

      She just called Charles da da.

Julia: da da da da.

Charles: cute but I am not your dad I am uncle char. Can you say uncle char.

     She laughed and gave him a baby hug. I taught her how to give hugs isn't that cuteee. But anyways joey needs to come home before Julia thinks char is her dad. The only reason she's thinks that's her dad is because char has been here for us and he's a man so that's why.

Charles: uh oh

Keionni: I know right 😬

Charles: don't worry I'll keep teaching her how to say uncle char.

Keionni: ok.

      It's cute how she's hugging her uncle char. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a picture and posted it on instagram.

  (I couldn't find a perfect picture)

      (I couldn't find a perfect picture)

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Liked by: @Charlesgitnick,@truth,@lauren. 100,450 more.

@Keionnihicks: she loves her uncle char 😂💕.


@Lauren: so cute 💕

@Truth: ❤️❤️.

@Koeyfam: is joey still not home

@rubyroseturner: so cute 💕.

@paris: wow you moved on fast.

@keionnihicks: first of read the caption again. It says uncle char. And no I'll never stop loving joey. We miss him so much you don't even know.

@paris: dang sorry 😐. I didn't know.

@keionnihicks: it's ok. I didn't mean to get that mad it's just been hard.

@paris: I understand 😞❤️.

     Yea this has been going on for a while people think I am moving on to Charles when I am not. Julia and I miss joey a lot.

Charles: sorry people keep assuming that we're together.

Keionni: it's ok char it's not your fault.

   For the rest of the day we fooled around with Julia. Truth Lauren kenzie ruby and Nadia all came over for a but we all laughed had some fun.

  It's late now so Julia is in her crib a sleep. Everyone left so now I am getting in the bed going to sleep. It's not the same without joey here next to me I would be talking his ear off right about now haha I miss my baby. I wish this all never happened.

A/n: no notes today. Just a little Encouragement "follow your dreams show the world your amazing" 💕


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