Shopping 🛍💐

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I woke up at 9:00 because we had to go shopping for are wedding stuff. I turned off my alarm and woke up Joey.

Keionni: Joey wake up we have to go shopping. I said whispering.

Joey: hmm

Keionni: we have to go shopping sweet heart.

Joey: it's really early though. He said turning towards me.

I looked at Joey and he had a tired face. Aww my poor baby we have been working hard getting up early to plan things and get things situated he's really tired.

Keionni: I know baby but guess what it's going to pay off the wedding is going to be awesome . I said while rubbing his back.

Joey: yea your right. He said while sitting up.

Keionni: and besides today is the fun part we get to shop for everything.

Joey: yea. He said with a smile.

Keionni: come on let's get ready.

Joey: ok.

I gave him a quick kiss and got up. I brushed my teeth and got dressed.

I went downstairs and grab my purse. Joey came downstairs .

Joey: know we just have to wait on truth Lauren Jacob and Charles

Keionni: yep

10 minutes later

We hear a knock on the door we got off the couch and opened the door.

Truth hey girl

Lauren: are you ready !!

Keionni: yess haha

Lauren: samee

Charles: pal !. He said while walking in.

Joey: hey char!

Jacob: bro are you ready.

Joey: I am so ready.

Keionni: bye boys we will see y'all later.

Boys: bye.

We all were going separate shopping. We don't want Joey seeing my dress yet.

The girls and I got in the car and drove to the mall. We got out the car and went in the mall. We walked around looking  . And this one dress in the window caught my attention.

Keionni: look ! . I said while running into the store.

I went to the dress and instantly fell and love. I asked the lady can I see it. She took it down for me.

Keionni: girls do y'all like it.

Lauren: I love it girll

Truth: your going to look so cutee

Keionni: thanks girl. Ouu how come of i almost forget my flower crown.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now