I Found her

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One week later......

It's been a whole week and they still haven't found Julia. We've did amber alerts. We've put up flyers we asked people who was at the park that day and did they see anything. But nothing has worked.

Joey and I are currently just getting back in the house from searching around LA.

Keionni: this is making me upset. I said storming off.

Joey: where are you going ?

Keionni: to splash water on my face. I said walking to the bathroom.

I turned on the sink. And splashed cold water on my face. I grabbed a towel and dried my face. As I was doing that I started to think harder about who was all there at the park.

I remember when I was chasing Julia. Before she went into the play tunnel I saw out the crack of my eye a person by a tree with blonde hair staring at us. But the hair wasn't short like a man it was long like a girl.

I started thinking and thinking. Wait I know now.

Keionni: oh no.... she took her.

I stormed out the bathroom.

Keionni: she took her !.

Joey: who ?

Keionni: Olivia she took Julia.

Joey: how do you know.

Keionni: at the park I remember seeing a person with blonde hair but it was long hair not short. Omg and there was a man standing next to her too. And I remember they ere both staring at us but I wasn't paying attention because I was playing with Julia.

Joey: I should have known ! 😡.

Keionni: we gotta go. I said grabbing the keys and ran it the house.

Joey followed right behind me. We both got in the car and I drove down to the police station.

When we pulled up we got out the car and ran in the station.

Keionni: I found her...I know where she is ! . I said running to the officer.

Officer: where ?

Keionni: my high school enemy took her. Her name is Olivia.

Officer: what's her last name.

Keionni: dang it I don't know.

Joey:Her last name is peters.

Officer: how do you know.

Joey: well um...I dated her in 8th and part of 9th grade sadly.

Officer: oh....

There was an awkward silents while he typed the information in the computer.

Officer: so we found her location. She's in a..cabin Located On a private land.

Keionni: thank you. I said as I grabbed the paper that he printed of the location.

Officer: where are you going with that?

Keionni: getting my daughter back !. I said running out the station.

    Joey followed after me.

Joey: keionni wait !....

   I got in the car he opened the door and got in.

Joey: Keionni this isn't safe.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now