He's ready

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1 month later....

Keionni pov:

I am just resting on the couch. I've been in a lot of pain lately like contractions. So joey told me to take it easy today. So he's outside with Julia teaching her how to ride a bike with out training wheels. I told her I think she's a bit to young but she's determined she can do it. That's my little girl determined just like her mommy.

Julia: mommy mommy ! I did it I rode it all by myself without falling this time !. She said running into the house.

Keionni: oh my , princess that's so good.

Julia: thank you daddy for teaching me. She said giving him a hug.

Joey: your welcome princess. He said smiling.

Julia: I am gonna go practice some more. She said running out the house.

Joey come over to me and set down.

Joey: how are you feeling ?.

Keionni: still a bit sore. I said pouting my lips.

Joey: awww I am sorry babes. He said pouting his lips too.

Keionni: haha it's ok sweetie.

Joey: I heard truth and Lauren feel the same way.

Keionni: yea they told me.

Joey: your being so strong.

Keionni: thanks. Even though I feel like I am going to explode. I said patting my belly.

Joey: haha I bet 😂.

Keionni: haha 😂.

He put his hand on my belly and rubbing it trying to get the baby to move.

Joey: I bet your ready to come out. Huh buddy.

I felt Jaxson move around.

Joey: are you daddy's little buddy. I can't wait till you get here.

Jaxson moved more but this time with a kick.

Keionni: ouch !. ok we get it Jaxson you want your daddy we get it 😂.

Joey: haha 😂.

Julia: daddy can I do your make up. Julia said walking in the house and shutting the door.

Joey: what. Me.

Julia: yes you silly. I'll got get my make up kit ok. She ran upstairs

Oh boy this should be hilarious. She came back down and set on the couch.

Julia: ok so your gonna have to be still. So I won't mess up. Ok ? .

Joey: ok princess.

  She finished his make up 20 minutes later (its 7:00). It was surprisingly better than what I thought. It wasn't perfect but it was good.

Julia: ok daddy her look. She said handing him the mirror.

Joey: omg I look perfect. Thank you.

Julia: your welcome daddy.

   I shook my head and laughed. But I suddenly got the urge to pee, so I got up.

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