Planning the wedding 👰🤵

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Keionni's POV:

    I woke up to joeys alarm. I looked up at him and he was still sleep. I turned off his alarm. I gave him a quick kiss, I think I should make him breakfast he deserves it.  

      I got out of joeys grip and covered him back up then went down stairs. I went to the kitchen and got out the pancake mix. I went to the refrigerator and got out the bacon. I started cooking  .

  Joeys pov:

    I wake up to a very good smell. Keionni wasn't in the bed. I got up and went down stairs. I looked in the kitchen and Keionni was putting breakfast on the table.  I walked in the kitchen.  She looked up and smiled then looked back down.

Keionni: goodmorning sleepy head

Joey: goodmorning :)

Keionni: would you like breakfast

Joey: yes. I said while sitting down.

She brought a plate over to me and it smelled really good.

Joey: thanks sweetie

Keionni: your welcome you deserve this.

I smiled at her she's so sweet. She walked to the Refrigerator and grabbed some milk

Keionni: I know you like milk with your pancakes so here you go. She said while grabbing a glass and pouring milk in it.

She set the glass on the table.

Joey: aren't you going to eat

Keionni: I ate mine already but you go ahead and I am going to go get dressed ok.

Joey: ok 😊

She smiled and walked upstairs. I watched her walk away , she's going to be the perfect wife I love her so much.

Keionni's POV:

I think I'll wear this

 I took a shower brushed my teeth and stuff

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I took a shower brushed my teeth and stuff. After I walked downstairs and Joey was finished he was about to walk upstairs.

Joey: you look beautiful 😊

Keionni: thanks 😊🙃

He's so sweet , he went upstairs to change. I went to the living room and set down. I wonder we're is jenn, my mom and Sofia is at. I shrugged and went on my phone. Minutes later the doorbell ranged. I got up and knew it was truth Lauren and Jacob. I unlocked the door and opened it.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now