Chilling at home

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  2 days later.

We've stayed in the house we got two days. We are protecting Julia from the tv reporters who keep asking what happened how it happened who took her did joey really date Olivia they even asked did I abandon her at the park that's something I would never do. So we've been in the house doing fun activity's with Julia we're going to a picnic with truth Lauren and then soon so that's when we will get out the house. And we've been teaching her knew things I homeschool her for now. She might go to public school when she's a bit older.

   We are now all eating breakfast. After we eat I got Julia into some clothes and did her hair.

Her outfit and hair style:

Her outfit and hair style:

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Julia: I love it mommy 😁.

Keionni: aww thank you.

Julia: mommy what are we going to do today ?.

Keionni: I was thinking me, you and daddy can bake cookies, color, and have a movie night.

Julia: yay ok 😊😁.

Keionni: haha ok. Let's go down stairs.

She grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. Joey was playing his game in the living room. Julia ran to him and jumped on his lap and grabbed the remote from his hands.

Julia: my turn daddy.

She took of his hat off his head and put it on her head backwards.

Julia: move out the way you jerk. She said yelling at the tv.

Joey: no no no.

Julia: no no no.

J/Jo: no !!!!!. The said throwing there hands up.

Julia: they cheated daddy

Joey: yea what a butthead.

Julia: you buttface. They said at the tv.

Julia gave him back his hat.

Julia: well daddy I am going to color with mommy. We're going to bake and have movie night later to ok.

Joey: haha ok princess.

She gave him the remote back and hopped of his lap and ran to me and pulled me to the kitchen.

We got the paper and crayons out the craft drawer. Then went to the table.

Julia: mommy I am going to draw us at the beach.

Keionni: ok princess I am going to draw us at the beach too.

Julia: haha ok. She said drawing her picture

I look at her and noticed how she looks so focused. She has a lips firmly together and humming a song. She so adorable haha.

I started drawing my picture. Julia lifted up hers to show me.

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