Leaving to LA

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A/n this is going to be a sad chapter so get your tissues ready 🤧 don't play the music yet.

Keionni's POV

I woke up to my mom taping me.

Mom: it's time to get up it's the big moving day

I sighed and got up

Mom: are you excited

Keionni: yes I am really excited it's just

Mom: Joey

Keionni: yes

Mom: it's gonna be ok

Keionni: yea I know

I pick up my phone and saw Joey sleeping on face time.

Keionni: Joey (soft voice)

Joey: hm

Keionni: I'm about to put my stuff In the moving truck so I got to go

Joey: ok princess see you at the air port

Keionni: ok bye

Joey: bye

End of call

I changed into some white shorts and a pink shirt that says dream big and I wore some pink vans. I grabbed some boxes and took them to the truck . I went back upstairs and took the fort down and put the blankets in the boxes and took it to the truck . I went back up stairs. And grabbed my bag phone and charger. I took one last look at my room.

Keionni: see you in 4 years. Well I am sure I am going to move to LA permanently after that. But I'll be back 😊😔

I went down stairs my mom was already in the car. I looked around remembering all the memories in this house.

This is my first day in This new city I am 5 years old. I just moved here because my family couldn't get along so I'm a little sad I don't really understand why they were mean to each other I have a little brother but he lives with my dad he's a baby but he isn't my moms son. So now I am just in my room sitting on my princess bed. My mom came to my door

Mom: keionni why don't you go outside and look around the yard.

Keionni: ok mommy (baby voice)

She knows I am sad about us moving away from are family. I went outside its very pretty outside. I went to the backyard and I saw there was a swing set but it was way in the back of are yard by a tall tree. I walked and it felt like a long time. I set on it and started to think about my family. I started to cry. I couldn't really see because my eyes were blurry from my tears. But I heard someone next to me.

Little boy : hey are u ok

I looked up and saw this boy he looked around my age. He looked like this

 He looked like this

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Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now