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         A/n ok so this is just a story I Would never sleep in the bed with a boy at a young age  just making that is clear sorry it just feel awkward writing that but it is just for the story (there will be no dirty stuff in non of my stories)

I woke up and got up and grabbed my pillow and told Joey I am about to go
Keionni: Joey I am about to go
Joey: ok love you
Keionni:love you to
So headed down stairs and said bye to mrs birlem
Keionni: bye mrs birlem
Joey's Mom: bye sweetie

I headed to my house  I went up stairs took a shower and changed in to

 I headed to my house  I went up stairs took a shower and changed in to

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Then I got a text from truth

Truth: hey girl do you want to have a sleepover today
Me: yea sure
Truth:ok I figured you would want to hang out since you are going on tour  next week 
Me: yep I am going to be gone for a whole full month
Truth: yea we are going to miss you 😩
Me: ikr 😖
Truth: so see you when you get here
Me: ok truth girl
End of text
    Yea I am going on tour next week Jacob is going to be there  Joey  Charles gitnick    Nathan triska  Cameron Dallas  Arron carpenter  johnny Orlando  Brandon Rowland  hunter Rowland  Ashton Rowland  zach Clayton  baby Ariel and  and Blake gray. It's going to be so much fun...........I hope. I packed my bags I packed nail polish make up even though I don t wear it but me and the girls still like to put it on for fun at sleepovers. I grabbed everything but before I could my mom walked in
Me: hey mom
Mom: hey where do you think your going
Me: to truths house please can I go
Mom: ok but after you have to get packing for your next week
Me : ok mom
Mom: yea
Me:I need you to drop me off
Mom: ok . You should be  happy I got off work early or you would have walk 3  blocks
Me: ugh I know right and it would have took me an hour
Mom: 😂lets go
       So we left and drove to truth house we pulled up and I gave my mom a hug good bye. I walked up to truth door and knocked I heard her running to the door she opened it and said
Truth: hey girl
Me: hey truth girl
Truth:come on in
        I walked in and Lauren was already there and and Dinka and Angeles
L/d/a: hey keionni
Me: hey y'all
Angeles: are you ready to have a fun girls night
Me: yes I am really looking forward to it I need a girls only night
Dinka: we are going to have so much fun I am so excited
Lauren: so what are we gonna do
Dinka: pranks
Me: call cam and jack 😌
Truth/Lauren: what no what will we say
Me: anything duh
Truth: ugh can't we just eat food
Me: trust me I know we are going to do that
Dinka: just do it
Angeles: yea y'all talk about them all the time
Truth/Lauren: WHAT nooo🙄😁
Angeles:ok whatever
Me: I am calling
Me: we are calling jack first
Calling jack
Jack: hello
Me: hey
Jack: hey keionni what's up
Me: nothing much just calling so you can talk to Lauren
Jack: oh that pretty girl who was hiding under the table
Keionni:yea 😂
Jack: she seems very nice and funny
Keionni: yep she really is
        (Lauren is getting all excited trying not to scream and jump up and down)
Keionni: so I am about to put you in speaker so she can hear you ok
Jack: ok
Lauren:hey jack
Lauren: so how are you
Jack: good how about you
Lauren: good
Jack: so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time to get to know each other better
Lauren: yes sure
       (We were all squealing)
Jack: ok good how's next weekend
Lauren: that's  perfect
Jack: ok well I got to go I will see you at school on Monday
Lauren: ok bye
  End of call
     Lauren didn't even say a word she was shocked she was just red as a tomato
Me: Lauren are you ok
Lauren: no someone pinch me
Dinka: ok
Lauren: no I was playing
Dinka: oh that's not a joke I will do it for real  😂
Me: ok let's call cam
Truth: ok 😬
Calling cam
Cameron: heyy my sister
Me: hey bro
Cameron: so what's up
Me: nothing at a sleepover with truth and the girls
Cameron:oh cool
Me: yea I was wondering would you like to talk to truth
Cameron: sure
Truth: hey cam
Cameron: hey truth so did sometimes you want to hang out
Truth: YES..oops I mean yea sure
Cameron: it's ok to be excited
        (We all are laughing at truth)
Truth: ok 😊😅
Cameron: ok see you next weekend
Truth: ok bye
End call
Truth: omg I did it
Me:😂 yea I knew y'all could
         So for the rest of he night we ate watched movies and talked and laughed pranked truth's brother and talked some more and watched another movie and went to sleep I had so much fun I need a girls only night no boy drama it felt nice to have no boy drama.

A/n Happy birthday to Joey it's his birthday today I hope you have an amazing day I love you 😊. I kinda rushed through this chapter it's really late I have to go to school 😂

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now