First baby check up.

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    I woke up to my alarm, I turned it off I set up and looked at Joey.

Keionni: Joey wake up sweetie. I whispered.

Joey: hm

Keionni: it's time for the appointment.

Joey: ok.

  We both got up and went to pick out are outfit. I put on this,

I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail

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I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a yogurt and put some raspberry and blueberries in it. 

   I ate it then I got up and feed Rosie and maddie. Joey came downstairs.

Joey: ready ?

Keionni: yep.

Joey: ok lets go.

We locked the door and got in are car. Joey drove to the doctors office.

We pulled up in the parking lot and got out the car. We walked in the doctors and went to the main desk.

Desk lady: may I help you.

Joey: were here for a check up for Keionni birlem.

Desk lady: oh yes right in that room over there.

K/j: thanks.

We went into the room and set down and waited for are turn to be called.

5 minutes later.

Doctor: mrs birlem.

We stood up and went to the doctor.

Doctor: follow me.

We did as told. I am so excited 😊.

Doctor: room 8

We went into room 8, I set down on the seat. Joey grabbed a chair and moved next to me. The doctor came in.

Doctor: so how's it going

Keionni: good.

Doctor: that's good, so today we are checking on your little baby and seeing how far along you are.

Keionni: ok.

She walked over to the cabinet and put in some gloves and grabbed what looked like gel.

Doctor: ok so this is going to be a little cold ok.

Keionni: ok.

She lifted my shirt up so she can she my stomach it's not that big yet.

She rubbed the gel on my stomach and it was cold and tickled a little.

Doctor: ok I am going to put this microphone on your stomach. (I don't know what it's called)

Keionni: ok.

She put the microphone on my stomach and moved it around.

Doctor: know if you look up at the screen you can see a little ball.

I looked and saw a little seed it's looks like a seed but a little bigger.

Doctor: that's your baby.

I looked over at Joey and his eyes looked a little glossy. Awwww. I looked down and grabbed his hand that was sitting next to me.

Doctor: it looks like you are 4 weeks along.

Keionni: ok

Doctor: the baby seems to be healthy and no problems in the way.

Keionni: ok that's good.

She walked over and grabbed a napkin and wiped the gel off my stomach.

Doctor: your next appointment will be next month and by then you will be able to hear your baby's heart beat and feel more movements.

Keionni: ok. I said while sitting up.

The doctor took a look at me and Joey and scanned us.

Doctor: you guys are a very cute couple. Your baby is going to be beautiful I can just tell.

K/j: aww thanks.

I looked over at Joey and his cheeks were pink haha.

Doctor: would you guys like the photo.

K/j: yes.

She grabbed the picture from the printer and gave it to me.

Doctor: have a nice day you two see y'all next month.

K/j: you too bye.

We left out the door and headed to the waiting room.

Joey put his arm around me as I looked at the photo of are baby. If you look closely you can see the little legs and arms and head wrapped together. It's so tiny awww.

Joey: I am in love with him or her already.

Keionni: me too I can't wait to see are baby in 9 months.

Joey: I know right me too.

   He kissed the top of my head , I looked up and smiled.

A/n: short chapter sorry but there will be more good ones trust me 😂😊. But other than that I hope you guys enjoyed. Follow your dreams 💖, peace out people 😜✌️😂😁

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now