The special day 👰🤵❤️

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......Couple of months later.....

I woke up and the bright light was shining on my face. Me and Joey are getting married in are home town. Me and the girls are currently in are hotel room.

Truth: rise and shine beautiful bride.

Lauren: it's your special day.

Aubrey: it's your princess day.

Catalina: your going to be a pretty Princess.

Keionni: thanks girls.

There was a knock on the door truth opened the door and Kenzie ,Ariel ,summer ,Sophia ,ruby and Kree came rushing in.

Ariel: Kei Kei ! Today's the big dayy

Ruby: ahhh aren't you so super duper excited !!

Keionni: yess !!!

Summer: aww I can't believe your getting married !!

Kree: my big sister !!!!

Kenzie: eKkkk.

Lauren: let's get ready.

We went to the dressing room to get ready.

Joey POV:

Charles: today the special day pal

Joey: yes I am so nervous.

Jacob: don't be.

Cameron: why are you nervous bro

Joey: I don't know everyone is going to be there and just seeing Keionni...all beautiful.

Charles: awww pal.

Joey: blushes *

Cameron: you'll be fine bro.

Jacob:  yes it's the same old goofy Keionni.

Joey: haha yea

Hunter: come on let's get dressed.

Joey: ok.

Keionni's pov:

  I just got my hair done  and it was all cute.  I had it curled into a bun. They did my nails and painted them peach. Ariel then did my make up.

Keionni:  ouu I love it

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Keionni: ouu I love it.

Ariel: my specialty 😁.

Lauren: omg it's almost time

Everyone got in there dresses.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now