Hard work.

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  Keionni pov:

  I was woken up by the baby crying really loud . Me and Joey popped up. I looked at the time and it was 6:00 am.

Keionni: I'll get her.

Joey: you sure ?

Keionni: yes sweetheart .

  I got up and speed walked to the baby's room rubbing my eye.

Keionni: ok baby ok I am here. I said picking her up.

   She cried and cried.

Keionni: ok ok I'll get your bottle I know your hungry.

   I walked down stairs rocking her.  I made her bottle then we went back up stairs. I set in her rocking chair  and feed her.

  I put the bottle in her mouth and she immediately stopped crying.

Keionni: see you ok sweet face.

  She looked at me calmly.

Keionni: hi my little sweet girl.

   After I finished feeding her I burped her and changed her diaper. And she didn't go back to sleep at all. She was wide wake.

   We went down stairs and I set on the couch watching tv with the baby in her swing sucking her pacifier.

   I heard Joey coming down the steps.

Joey: hey she didn't go back to sleep.

  I shook my head no tiredly.

Joey: aww my poor baby. He said sitting down.

Joey: I could have help you know

Keionni: you needed sleep because you have to go down to the studio today.

Joey: true but I could have survived off Starbucks haha.

Keionni: haha your so silly.

Joey: speaking of Starbucks I'll pick you up some when I come home.

Keionni: thanks

Joey: your welcome.

   The baby started crying again. Joey got up and picked her up.

Joey: what's the matter with my little girl.

Keionni: that's her sleepy cry.

Joey: ok I'll put you to sleep before I leave.

    He set down and rocked her.

Joey: now you can go to sleep.

Keionni: I would love to but I can't. I have to study the my lines for the movie.

Joey: right. Dang I am sorry sweetie.

Keionni: it's ok I will be ok. After all this is my life now haha it's hard work.

Joey: yep hard work with this little one.

Keionni: yes yes haha but I am happy she's here.

Joey:  Me too. He said smiling at the baby.

    He got up and laid her in her swing.

Joey: Bye baby. He said giving me a hug.

Keionni: Bye sweetheart .

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now