The first show

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I woke up cold I looked up and noticed that the boys dumped a bucket of cold water on me 😑
Keionni: dudes really gosh now I am cold 😂😑
The boys were cracking up and recording my reaction
Cameron: and that's pay back from us for making us walk up the stairs
Keionni: y'all are still on that 😂
Jacob: yes my legs still hurt
Keionni: sorrwy 🙃
Jacob: aww i can't stay mad at you 😊
Cameron: me ether I can't stay mad at my little sis ❤️
Keionni: well I am going to go get out of my wet pajamas thanks a lot guys what would I do with out y'all
All boys: you couldn't live without us ❤️
Keionni: I know lol love you guys ❤️
All boys: love you to ❤️
    I went to the bathroom and changed into

I woke up cold I looked up and noticed that the boys dumped a bucket of cold water on me 😑Keionni: dudes really gosh now I am cold 😂😑 The boys were cracking up and recording my reaction Cameron: and that's pay back from us for making us walk up...

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Me and Ariel wore matching outfits  she wore the black one I wore the white one (don't mind the Nike shoes there not apart of are outfit ) we wore some leggings and some black and white vans

Keionni: we look amazing
Ariel: yep twines
Keionni: lol we should get down to the lobby
Ariel: yea  I will be down there in a minute.
Keionni: ok see you
    I walked to the elevator but as I was walking I was paying attention were I was going in bumped into Joey but I didn't recognise him at first
Keionni: I am so sorry....oh hey Joey
Joey: hey keionni 🙁and it's ok
  Ugh I was looking at him and he looked so cute  memories started to flow through my mind when he bullied me when we dated when we broke up it's just that I miss him so much. Uh oh I feel tears is this bad. gosh why I felt like I was going to cry
Joey: well um I guest I should go get my stuff from my room
He started to walk away I started to walk slowly away. Keionni don't look back don't look back ugh who am I kidding I miss that boy 😢😩
Keionni: Joey!😭(turning around )
Joey: it's ok don't cry sweet heart come here (holding his arms open)
Keionni: (running to Joey and hugging him)Joey I am sorry Truth and Lauren did this to you I should have did something about it 😭I shouldn't have ignored you
Joey: no I am sorry I shouldn't have cheated it's my fault I let you go I am so stupid 😭(crying and hugging Keionni)
Keionni: Joey aw please don't cry your not stupid at all yea you were stupid for cheating but I forgive you ( wiping his tears ) maybe we can be friends
Joey: sure 😊 and thanks for, for giving me
Keionni: your welcome see you in the lobby 😊
Joey:see you there 😊
    I am glad I got to talk to him it felt like torture not talking to him. I got on the elevator and went downstairs. Everyone was waiting on the uber I went over to them and waited for the uber Ariel and Joey finally came to the lobby the whole time they were walking Ariel gave him a cold stare I laughed to myself 
Keionni: Ariel it's ok me and Joey are cool know
Ariel: oh ok just tell me if you Have any problems
Keionni: ok Ariel 😊😂
     I looked at Joey he was staring at me but looked down when I looked at him. I walked over to him and smiled
Keionni: hey Joey
Joey: (blushing) hey
    Aww he's blushing.
Keionni: is someone embarrassed that I caught them staring 😂
Joey: maybe 🙃
Keionni: lol don't be it's ok
Joey: (blushing) 😊
    The uber pulled up and we got in.  About 15 minutes later we were at the venue we got out of the van and went in side.  Dang it I forgot to call my mom but I am sure she will understand. When we got inside we headed backstage I saw Jacob and walked towards him.
Keionni: hey Jacob are you ready
Jacob: hey and yea I am so ready
Stage manger: Jacob and Keionni can you go on stage real quick to practice the song for sound check
K/j: ok
    Me and Jacob headed to get are guitars and went on stage and set on the stools that were on stage. Are song that we were doing a duet to was last text.
Jacob: rest my head on my pillow turn of the lights right before I fall asleep. Send you the face with the heart eyes tell you good night hope I see you in my dreams. 
Keionni: I got so much to say I know it's late.
Jacob: I miss your smile when you brush that hair off your face and you should no
K/j: your always the last text that I send before bed cause it's you that's in my head in my head all night and all day your always the first thing every single morning that I think of in my head in my head in my head all night and all day.
Jacob: your my last text...yea
Music manger: ok that's good
We got up and walked back stage
Keionni:that sounded so good
Jacob: yea but one thing is if truth heard that she would have turned off the microphones lol
Keionni: that's truth girl 😂
Jacob: yea it is 😂
Jacob: so are you and Joey cool
Keionni: yea
Jacob: ok
One hour later we started to get ready for the show we headed are fans coming in I can't wait I love my fans and I am doing the announcement. I grabbed my microphone and ran on stage.
Keionni: how are you guys today
Fans: GOOD!
Keionni:ok that's amazing are you guys ready to start the meet and greet
Fans: YESS 🤗😭❤️
Keionni: ok let's get started everyone who has a VIP ticket head outside of that door over there and we will all be lined up.
They started to go to the door and line up. I hurried up and ran to my booth my booth was next to Ariels and joeys Jacob's was on the other side of Joeys Blake  was on the other side of Ariel and the rest of them was in the line to. We started to meet fans they were so nice. I meant this one little girl and she was so adorable she asked me can I follow her on musically and I said
Keionni: of course
Adorable fan: thanks your like my role model
Keionni: thanks
          It was time to start the show we all came on stage and Cameron said let's hear it for Keionni and
Jacob me and Jacob started to sing last text the light dimmed a little.
Jacob: rest my head on my pillow
Keionni: turn off the lights
Jacob: right before I fall asleep send you the face with the heart eyes
Keionni: tell you goodnight yea
Jacob: hope I see you in my dreams
Keionni: I got so much to say and I know it's late
Jacob: I miss your smile when you brush your hair off your face
Keionni: and you should no
J/k: your always the last text that I send be before bed cause it's you that's in my head in my head on my head all night and
Keionni: all day
J/k: your always the first thing every single morning that I think of in my head and my head in my head all night and all day
Jacob: your my last text yea.
(A/n let's just pretend they sang the whole song 😊)
Fans: ahhhhhhhhhhh😭❤️
Fans:I love you Jacob and Keionni 😭❤️
J/k: we love y'all too
Me and Jacob ran back stage everyone was saying
Ariel: omg y'all did so good and Keionni wow you've gotten even better at singing😊👍.
Keionni: thanks Ariel
Joey: yea y'all did really good.
Keionni: aww thanks Joey ❤️😊
Joey: your welcome ba..... Keionni 😧😊😬
Was Joey about to call me ba...oh no does he miss me 😊❤️awwww
Joey: umm keionni can I talk to you alone.
Keionni: sure
We went to the back back of the stage Cameron was on stage singing she's bad.
Joey: so um I just wanted to tell you that I ummm...(blushing) still like you
Keionni: really ?
Joey: really 😊
Keionni: Joey I still like you to
Joey: oh thank goodness
Keionni: did you think I was gonna say no
Joey: that to and I was afraid that you would have over reacted and told truth and she would have flew out her and broke my other wrist 😂
Keionni: lol that's truth for ya 😂
Joey: yes yes 😂
Keionni: well we should get back to the others before we Miss the game truth or dare with the fans
Joey: yea lets go
I thought he was going to ask me out again I am kind of happy he didn't because I just want a little more time. When we got there everyone was getting ready to go on stage.we all came on stage and I had my microphone and said
Keionni: ok so everyone we are going to play truth or dare with you guys we are going to pick a fan

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now