Christmas day 🎄☃️

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      ***don't play the music till the sentence we walked to the park. The song should be over by the time the scene is over if not you can just turn it off ***

I woke up to the kids jumping up and down cheering.

Catalina: Santa came !

Aubrey: yayyy !

I set up and laughed.  They ran over to Lauren and truth.

Catalina: mommy wake up wake up wake up !

Aubrey: mommy santa came he came and eat the cookies.

Catalina: MA !

Truth: girll go wake up daddy. She said pulling the cover over her head

Catalina: fine .DADDYYYYY . She said jumping on him.

  Keionni: you are your momma's child

Jacob: tell me about it. He said waking up.

Truth: so what are you saying sartorius. She said while pulling her covers off her head.

Catalina: yea sartorius what are saying about my momma. She said while putting her hands in her hips.

She's only 2 year olds old haha she's a fast learner.

Jacob: she got a loud mouth.

Truth: okayy. She said getting up and pushing cam out of her way.

Cameron: WOAH

Truth: ok you f....

Keionni: ohhh merry merry Christmas from me to you ! I love you so much and Santa does to lalalalal. I sang trying to block out truth cursing

Everyone started to wake up.

Keionni: heyyy how about we open presents on this special beautiful day. I said picking up both of the girls and bringing them over to the tree.

C/a: YAY . They said while picking up the one that was there's.

I walked over to Joey and kissed his cheek.

Keionni: merry Christmas baby.

Joey: merry Christmas baby girl.

Truth: Catalina how do you like your new American girl doll.

Catalina: I LOVE IT MOMMY AND DADDY THANK YOU. She said while running up to them.

Aubrey: mommy I wanted one too.

Lauren: open that one and maybe Santa gave you one.

She opened it and her eye got so big.

Aubrey: AHHHHHHH YES YES YES. She said while hugging the doll and spinning around.

Keionni: yep you are your momma's child also.

We all laughed. Everyone opened there gifts.

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