In this together

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3 months later.

I am now three months pregnant and it's been painful but Joey has been taking good care of me and Julia too. Today we went to the doctors office for my check up the baby is fine the heartbeat sounds great. He or she is moving around more. Oh and this pregnancy stage is way more emotional than the first.

    We drove home. When we got there Joey got out the car and got Julia out then went over to my door and opened it and helped me out.

Keionni: thanks sweetheart.

Joey: anytime sweetie.

  We went inside. I walked over to the couch.

Julia: mommy I'll help you sit down.

   She grabbed my hand and helped me sit down.

Keionni: thanks princess.

Julia: your welcome mommy

     I turned on the tv. And went to Netflix. I never did finish 13 reasons why season 2 so I guess I'll watch that. Of course I finish stranger things all the seasons haha that's my show haha.

       5 minutes into the episode I started crying.

Keionni: awww she's just trying to be a good mom 😭. 


  Julia: daddy !. mommy's crying.

Joey: coming !

   Joey's pov:

  I grabbed a tissue box and went to the living room. Yea keionni has been emotional lately.

Joey: ok I am here. Baby what's wrong. I said in a soft voice.

Keionni: it's just this is so sad this happened to her daughter BRYCE IS A BUTTHOLE JERK FACE 😭. I feel so so bad for Hannah's family and friends 😭😭😭.

Joey: awww baby it's just a show. I said sitting down next to her.

   I put my arm around her to comfort her.

Joey: how about we turn this off. I said grabbing the remote. and watch something else.

    I scrolled through Netflix and this movie popped up with puppies on it.

Keionni: awwww there so cuteeee.

Joey: yes baby there very cute. Wanna watch this.

   She nodded her head. This seems like a happy movie it's about puppies what bad could happen. I turned it on and 10 minutes into the movie the one of the puppies died , Oh great ( sarcasm) 🤦‍♂️.

Keionni: NOOOO 😭😭😭.  Poor puppy !!!!!!! 😭

Joey: it's ok baby it's just a movie please don't cry.

    There was a knock at the door.

Joey: I'll be back.

    I walked to the door and Cameron and Caleb was standing there with trig and Lauren. Truth and lauren was crying.

Joey: what happened.

Cameron: truth cried the whole way here just because a dead squirrel was in the street.

Truth: Cameron it was very sad  you acted like you didn't care !!!! 😭😭.

  Cameron: I am sorry baby I do care.

Truth: no yuh don't 😩.

Caleb: Lauren had been crying all day. She saw a little kid walking a old lady across the street and started crying saying that's so cute.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now