Decorating the baby room.

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A/n: ok so in the last chapter a word was missed spelled I tried to spell shirt but it auto corrected it and put the s word. I am sorry about that I wouldn't say that lol sorry. Ok let's get to the story......

I woke up to the sound of my alarm
I got up and went to the bathroom to use it. After I did my thing I washed my hands and got dressed. I walked out the bathroom and got my shoes.

Joey: are you ready to go shopping for are baby girl.

Keionni: I am so ready

Joey: haha ok I am going to get dress than we can go to the mall.

Keionni: ok

   He went inside the bathroom... couple minutes later came out dressed.

Joey: ok ready ?

Keionni: yes. I said with a sweet tone.

Joey: *chuckles* ok lets go

I got up slowly but surly. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed my purse. We went to the car and drove to the mall. We parked the car, Joey got out the car and walked over to my door and opened it.

Keionni: thank you 😊

Joey: your welcome 😊

     We walked into the mall.

Joey: ok so where should we start.

Keionni: umm how about that cute baby store over there.

Joey: ok.

       We walked into the baby store.

Keionni: everything so cutee

Joey: i know right.

   We looked around at everything.

Keionni: ouu look at that one. I said while walking over to the other girl section.

Joey: this is a good one.

Keionni: should we get it ?

Joey: yes

Keionni: ok .

  We got in line and payed for it. They put it in a box. Joey said he'll carry it out. We put it is the back seat and drove home. We arrived at home we brought the box upstairs to the baby's room.

Joey: ok let's get started but only if you want to help I don't want you to hurt.

Keionni: it's ok I want to help.

Joey: are you sure ?

Keionni: haha yes sweetie I want to help you I wouldn't let you do this all bye yourself.

Joey: ok 😊

    We got started about three hours later we finished the room.

Keionni: awww so cutee.

Joey: she's gonna love it.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now