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      I woke up to no joey beside me. I immediately hopped out of bed. And ran to the door tripping over the corner my bed. I got back up and opened the door.  I first I went to the baby room and she wasn't in there. I went downstairs and saw her drinking her bottle in her swing.

     I went into the living room.

Keionni: hi baby you drinking you milk.

   She kicked her feet in response.

Keionni: *chuckles*

    I heard a voice talking from the bathroom. I creeped by the bathroom door and heard joey in the phone. And it was on speaker and he was talking to a girl.

Girl: can you come over I am so lonely.

Joey: sure thing.

Girl: but isn't that thing your married to gonna be searching for you.

Joey: no she's sleep I'll just say I have a meeting or something.

Girl: yay ! Ok see you later boo.

Joey: ok see you later.

Girl: love you

Joey: love you too.

    Omg I can't believe him. My eyes started to water. And I felt myself get dizzy. I thought I was going to faint. The door opened revealing Joey.

   He gasped looking down at me. I looked up at him with tears and my eyes and falling down my face.

Joey: keionni....

Keionni: what. I said sternly.

Joey: I...

Keionni: you what ! . I said cutting him off

Joey: I am sorry. I had to.

Keionni: why.. how could you do this to me and to your daughter..... I am sorry but I am going to have to ask you to leave please

Joey: like leave leave.

Keionni: yea leave I wouldn't never ever thought you would have cheated on me again. But I was wrong. You have a daughter . Joey I love you to much for my love to go to waste. I love .you to much

Joey:  I love you too  I didn't mean to its my fault why I got into this.

Keionni: Well its ether you love her or me...wait I want to see the texts

   He gave me his phone. I went to Olivia Messages and saw all there conversations for the past 2 months

Keionni: this have been go going on for....2 months ? !

Joey: I am sorry....

Keionni: no no... you hurt me joey really bad. Bye...I said while looking at him deeply.

Joey: ok

   He turned around and left out the door. Not turning back for a minute.

  I ran into the living room and dropped to the floor crying. I can't believe this.

  The baby started crying. I took her out of her swing and held her crying along with her.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now