A free day

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I woke up and checked the time it was 9:00 what this isn't normally like me I don't wake up this early but what ever I am up now why not get my day going. So I went to the bathroom and got dress into

 So I went to the bathroom and got dress into

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I wore this just ignore the phone case. 
  I didn't want to wake Ariel so I just went down to breakfast by myself . I got waffles and fruit and orange juice. When I was done I headed back upstairs I was about to walk in my room but I got a call from john.
John: hello keionni
Keionni: hello john what's up
John: I wanted to now if you would like to do a photoshoot today
Keionni: I would love to 😊
John: ok I am sending a uber to pick you Joey Ariel and Jacob up so wake them up
Keionni: ok
     I went to my room and woke up Ariel
Keionni: wake up Ariel
Ariel: why it's so early
Keionni: john said we got a photo shoot today
Ariel:  oh yea I forgot
Keionni: hahaha I am about to get Joey and Jacob up. 
Ariel: ok
   I went to Joey room next door I knocked on he door and Charles answered.
Charles: oh good morning keionni
Keionni: good morning Charles sorry to awake you john told me to wake up Joey we have a photoshoot to go to
Charles: ok come on in.
   I walked in and saw Joey asleep. I walked over to his bed and I tried peacefully to wake him up
Keionni: Joey wake up 😊
Keionni: Joey wake up love 😊
Joey: 😴😴😴(snoring louder)
Keionni: alright fine
   I went to the table and grabbed there blow horn I walked back over to the bed and pressed the horn and jumped and his bed and yelled
Joey jumped up and looked at me like I was a crazy person
I blew the horn in his ear on last time
Joey: OUCH😵 what in the world is wrong with you waking me up like that this early you crazy girl 😂
Keionni: well you should have woken up the first time.
Charles was cracking up the whole time.
Joey: what first time
Keionni: exactly sleepy head now go and get ready.
Joey: fine 😑
Keionni: 😋🙃thanks
Joey: ugh why do you gotta be so cute(mumbles)
Keionni: hm
Joey: nothing 😊
       Ok then I just shook it off and went to go wake up Jacob. I knocked and nobody answered they both must be sleep. I knocked one more time but harder I might have pounded on the door. A few seconds later I heard a something fall and break and I heard something else fall but this time it was a person because i heard OUCH  the door opened and it was Jacob he was out of breathe and he still looked tired
Keionni: good morning how are you doing this morning 😄
Jacob: what in the world Keionni do you know how early it is 😑
Keionni: sorry 🙃
Jacob:lol I am just kidding what do you need cutie
Keionni: john said we got a photo shoot to go to
Jacob: ok
    He shut the door and I went to my room and Ariel was dressed and ready
Ariel: I am still so tired
Keionni: me to but I am so excited for the photo shoot
Ariel: me to
    I grabbed phone and went on social media. Like an hour later I got up and grabbed my purse and room key and me and Ariel left out and got he boys and we left down to the lobby and the uber was all ready there. We got in and headed to where ever the photo shoot was at we arrived and it looks like we are at a park. We got out of the car and headed in the park. These ladies called me and Ariel over we went over and they gave as some outfits to wear Ariel did her photo shoot and I did mine the boys went to the boy photo shoot my first picture was this

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now