Special day.

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One month later.

Keionni's pov:

I was peacefully sleeping till my room door flew up really fast. I jumped up and screamed and my mom was yelling happy birthday with a cake in her hand. That said happy birthday kei kei.


Keionni: thanks mom but you gave me a heart attack.

Mom: sorry hahahaha ok so get dressed and come downstairs some of your fans sent you birthday gifts and I got you something to. 

Keionni: ok

I got a text from truth

Truth: happy birthday !!!

Keionni: thanks truth girl

Truth: your welcome

Text ended

I got another text from Jacob.

Jacob:  happy birthday best friend

Keionni: thanks bestie.

Jacob: your welcome I love you and miss you

Keionni: I love you too and I miss you a lot

Jacob: lol 💛

Keionni: 💛

End of text

I got up from my bed and my phone dinged again. I saw Lauren texted me.

Lauren: happy birthday !!!!

Keionni: thanks girl

Lauren: your welcome girl I wish you were here we would be doing some birthday shopping.

Keionni: yes we would lol

Lauren: lol

End of text

I went to my closet and picked out a cute outfit.

This is what I changed into

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This is what I changed into. I brushed my teeth I curled my hair and went down stairs. I went in the kitchen and saw a bunch of fan mails.

Keionni: wow this is a lot

Mom: yep it's because they love you

I couldn't help but to smile I went from a girl who got bullied to a girl who is famous and millions of people love her. I started to open my birthday fam mail.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now