First night at home

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I woke up to julia crying. I opened my eyes and saw Joey picking her up and rocking her.

Joey: sh sh sh it's ok babygirl I'll get you a bottle.

He walked over to the counter and grabbed her a bottle and fed her. He looked over at me realizing I had woken up.

Joey: I hope we didn't wake you up sorry.

Keionni: no y'all did not.😊

Joey: the doctor said you are ready to go home.

Keionni: oh goody.

Joey: haha.

The doctor came in the room.

Doctor: here is the birth certificate and you are free to go when you feel like it.

Keionni: ok thanks.

He left out. I set there fiddling with my fingers bored.

joey: ready to go now ?

Keionni: ya. i said with a smile and happily that we were leaving.

joey: haha. ok i already got the baby's car seat in the car. i'll get a wheel chair for you. i'll be back

keionni: ok.

He handed the baby to me. I burped her then laid her down in the little crib. I went to my bag and grabbed some clean clothes. oh boy was I happy to have on some real clothes instead of that ugly night gown. After i changed i went to the bag and grabbed the baby her outfit.

I got her dress

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I got her dress.

Keionni: you look so cute.

  Joey came back in with a wheel chair.

Joey: aww you to look very cute.

Keionni: say thank you daddy. I said to Julia.

Joey: haha.

  I got in the wheel chair while holding the baby. And we rolled out of the room haha.

Nurse #1: aww bye guys.

K/j: bye

Nurse #2 : you guys have a beautiful baby let me just say that.

K/j: haha thanks.

   We went to the lobby. I got out the wheel chair. And I opened the back door and put the baby in her car seat. I got in the backseat too so I could be next to the baby if she cry.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now