Back at school

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I woke up to my alarm going off. Well back to school at least things will go better for me right ?

I got out of the bed and the floor was cold

Keionni: cold cold cold

I was tip toeing fast then I tripped and fell over my bag I forgot to put it in my closet.

Keionni: OUCH 😵

Mom: keionni is everything ok up there

Keionni: yea everything's fine.

I got up and picked the bag and took it to my closet. And picked out a outfit.

I wore this the glasses were just for accessory

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I wore this the glasses were just for accessory. I went down stairs and said bye to my mom and left to the bus stop. I heard someone call my name it was Joey he ran up to me and hugged me.

Joey: hey

Keionni: hey

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the bus stop together. When we got there truth Lauren and Jacob was there.

T/l/j: hey guys
K/j: hey
Truth:so how is it going
Keionni: good
Truth: good
Lauren: #koeyforlife is going viral like people love you guys

Joey: aww ☺️

Keionni: cute 😊

Lauren: i know right

Jacob: I want to be goals like you guys

Keionni: you will Jacob I know someone will like you

Truth: ugh 🤢

All: hahahaha😂

The bus pulled up we got on and Olivia looked at me and Joey with a mad look and a jealous look. I ignored her. She smacked her lips and turned around. Me and Joey set next to each other Jacob set across from us and Lauren and truth set behind us. Everyone gave us weird looks like why are you dating. Your Bully ? Since when do Joey ride the bus ? They just stared at us because we were holding hands.

Joey: what (annoyed)

The kids just turned right back around.

Keionni: it's ok Joey there just shocked before we left remember what happened the fight and stuff.

Joey: yea but some of them were giving you dirty looks.

Keionni: I don't care.

Joey: but I do I have to protect you not hurt you again.

Keionni: your not (hugging him)

We arrived at school I got up and we walked off but when I got off I tripped and fell I looked up and noticed Olivia tripped me.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now