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We woke up got dress I put on a Dallas shirt since we are going to be in Dallas Texas. We headed to the airport and got on the plane it took like 2hours to get from Orlando to Dallas Texas we grabbed are luggage and got in the uber and headed to the hotel. We got are keys and went to are rooms.
Ariel: keionni you know as you think about it tour is going by fast
Keionni: yea it really is sadly
Ariel: yea but look on the bright side you will start your new show Andi Mack soon.
Keionni: yea I am so happy to play buffy it's going to be so fun
Ariel: yea it is
Keionni: yea 😞
Ariel: what's wrong
I stayed silent and just looked out are window.
Ariel: oh its about..Joey isn't it
Keionni: (nodding slowly)
Ariel: it's ok he's gonna miss you to 🙂
Keionni: I know that it's just what if he finds som.....someone else 😔
Ariel: no he is always going to like you trust me he really likes you
Keionni: thanks Ariel 🙂
Ariel: anytime girl (hugging) remember your like my sister.
     She got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram I checked my fan pages. I was scrolling throw some people's post and I saw this one fan page and it had some hate on the post so I went on her page and one post said.

I don't know why Joey likes keionni he shouldn't like her she is a want a be. She isn't worth it she acts so innocent but she isn't.  She probably dated all types of boys.

  That's not true why in the world would someone say that about me 😦I went off her page and scrolled down some more when I found another post by musershaderoom. It was a picture of the post from that fan well I wouldn't call her a fan the way she was talking about me I don't think so. The post had all of the stuff she said about me.

Well looks like this girl is trying to shade keionni I don't know why keionni is a very nice girl.

  I looked threw the comments. (A/n I am just going to name random usernames)

@joeysgirl: why is she  hating on her if joeys wants to be with her we have to except we have to support him that's what we're here for right 😊☺️
@choeyfan: I mean I like Joey and I am kinda sad that he likes someone else but keionni seems like a pretty nice person.
@iknowiamsamantha: but it's true though I don't lie about anything on my page keionni is a fake and I know it 😡
You just need to stop what did she ever do to you 🙄
@olivia: it's true I should know. She stole Joey from me she is fake and discussing I hate the thought of her 😡

Olivia what is she doing I thought         truth and Lauren taught her a lesson. I can't look at this anymore. I exited out and soon has I did I saw even more stuff about me 😟. So much hate why. What did I do to them how did this start what did I say what did I do wrong. As I was thinking I couldn't help but to start to tear up because how can someone hate me this much do they know hate is a very strong word. Ariel walked out the bathroom and saw me crying
Ariel: omg keionni what wrong
Keionni: (crying/sobbing)Ariel.. so many people.......hate me 😭
Ariel: what are you talking about 😧
Keionni: on instagram there was a so called  "fan page" and she had a very bad post about me and said bad stuff that wasn't true. And musershaderoom posted it and said to stop but in the comments Olivia said something in the comments and it wasn't good 😰.
Ariel: is Olivia joeys ex girlfriend
Ariel: ouuu that girl 😡
           I continued to cry
Ariel: don't cry I will get Joey.
        Ariel ran out and about 1 minute later Joey ran in.
   He ran over and hugged me
Keionni: Joey everyone hates me
Joey: nonsense !
Keionni: no Joey it's for real
Joey: what no you are To sweet for everyone to hate you.
Keionni: on Instagram there was some hate.
Joey: what why 😦
Keionni: there was this fan page and she said really really bad things about me
Joey: what's her name
Keionni: Samantha. musershaderoom posted it and said to stop the hate I saw some comments and..Olivia said bad things to she said I stole you from her but I would never do that to anyone.
Joey: you didn't steal me from her I left her because she wasn't a good girlfriend and I like you and always will. Don't listen to them they are just jealous because you have a sweet personality and you are very beautiful.
Keionni: (blushing) thanks Joey
       Joey grabbed my hand and stared at me. He started to lean in until Jacob and the others burst threw the door
Keionni: wait how did you know.
Brandon: it spreaded all over social media
Keionni: what ??😦..Joey ! (Panicking)
Joey: it's ok I will clear things up for you.
    He went on his phone.

Keionni: guys what am I going to do
Jacob: I gotten hate before and all I did was ignore it and made them know I don't care about what people say.
Hunter: yea don't listen to them.
Cameron: yep just ignore and go about your day.
       My phone started to ring.

Truth calling:
Keionni: hello
Keionni: yes I am good
Truth: you know I will go find them I don't care how far away they are I will find them
Keionni: haha I know truth girl it's ok the boys told me just ignore them.
Truth: ok but my way is better me and Lauren and dinika and Angeles already have are plan.
Keionni: I am pretty sure y'all do
Truth: yep well call me if you need to talk.
Keionni:ok bye girl
Truth: bye
    Call ended
Joey: who was that
Keionni: truth
Jacob: I feel sorry for who ever is hating on you because of truth and the rest of the girls.
Keionni: hahaha yea
Everyone left out but Joey
Joey: so remember what was about to happen before they came in
Keionni: Um I was about to cry ?
Joey: no silly..we were about to kiss(blushing)
Keionni: oh yea
Joey started to lean in and we kissed.
The kiss lasted for like about 12 seconds. Joey looked at me and hugged me.
Joey: thanks
Keionni: for the kiss but we already had are first kiss together.
Joey: no for being better than Olivia 😊
Keionni: aww your welcome ❤️
        We continued to hug then Ariel walked out of the bathroom.
Ariel: what happened I was in the shower for a quick seconded and miss everything.
Keionni: hahaha the boys just cheered me up (while looking at Joey)
Ariel: uh huh but what else happened.(looking at Joey and keionni)
Keionni: um Joey helped a lot to.
Joey: yep I did 😁
Ariel: aww 😆
   I shook my head at Ariel she is so funny.

Skip to the the meet and greet.....

     We met are fans and we just you know took pictures they gave me posters and more. Until this one girl asked is that stuff true about what they are saying on social media.
Keionni: no it's not. rumors go around all the time it's one of the things you have to go threw when you are famous.
Fan: yea I get it I will always be there to support you 😊
Keionni: aww thanks you just made my day.
     I have her. Hug and she went to the next person.

Skip to the end of the concert.

We got in the uber went back to are hotel and went to are rooms. I put on my pajamas and got in my bed.
Ariel: goodnight girl.
Keionni: goodnight girl
      We started to giggle we love being silly. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text. I checked and it was Joey.

Joey: goodnight love you ❤️
Keionni: goodnight love you to ❤️
Joey: and always remember that even when you leave me and go of to Hollywood 🤧❤️😂
Keionni: I will and remember I am coming back for you ❤️😊
Joey: good I love you 😊
Keionni: love you to
Text ended

Joey is such a sweet person I don't understand why Olivia treated him wrong. But what I think is amazing is that I am going to end up with the boy who use to bully me. I really like Joey I can't wait to see how the future is going to be with him ❤️. I eventually went to

A/n: I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter oh yea and I am meeting Joey and Charles in two more weeks the tour is called boys of summer it's going to be more of them there so I can't wait I am so excited to meet Joey ❤️.

Bullied by Joey Birlem Where stories live. Discover now