Christmas eve

641 17 6

5 years later.

Keionni's pov:

    It's been 5 years since we've been home. We do visit but it's a time to time visit and we usually only visit for a week or two. 

   I am now the age 24 and Joey is 25. We have grown a lot. Sophia graduated and is know in college. Joey started acting now he is a big time actor like me so we are in business together. We all eventually stopped touring but we think we should do a meet up one day.

   Truth got married to Cameron last year. The wedding was so cute I was the bridesmaid and Lauren was too.  Joey and Arron was the best man. And truth 2 years old daughter was the flower girl. There baby is so cute her name is Catalina and I am the godmother. Lauren got married to Caleb and had a beautiful daughter named Aubrey rose she is now 3 years old. Everyone is ether engaged are married and have kids. Me and Joey are the only ones left that's not engaged and we are kids free.  We currently live in a huge house with my dog Rosie and her puppie Maddie. 

Joey: babe ! Are you ready .

Keionni: yes. Just let me say bye to the dogs .

Joey: ok

I said bye to them and grabbed my bag. And walked down stairs.

Joey: oh ! Wait I left something in the room.

He ran up stairs.

I wonder what he left. 1 minute later he came back down.

Joey: ok I am ready. 

Keionni: ok

We got in the car Joey wanted to drive so I let him drive. We drove to to the airport. I decided to call my mom.


Mom: hello

Keionni: mom did you land in Michigan yet

Mom: yep I am heading to are house know .

Keionni: ok we're heading to the airport know.

Mom: ok we'll see you when y'all get here

Keionni: ok bye

Mom: bye

End of call.

Joey: are they there ?

Keionni: yep

Joey: I am so excited to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas at home

Keionni: me too I all ready got all the kids presents in the shipping to Michigan and it should be there bye Tonight.

Joey: what did you get them.

Keionni: you'll see 😋

Joey: whyy

Keionni: because you'll just start to ask what did I get you

Joey: will not 😋

Keionni: yes you will

Joey: nooo 😏

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