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Prince stared into the mirror for the 3rd time today. He took one glance at the slight crows feet appearing. Even though he was crowded everywhere he went by his adoring fans he felt so lonely. He was getting to the age where he desperately wanted someone to settle down with. But he thought he was unworthy. "Anybody" he thought "I'd take anybody who'd love me". He'd been used so many times and he couldn't handle it any longer. He had lost a lot of trust. He was 58 this year. His first marriage was to a woman he loved a lot but just grew out of. The children he had with her had passed and it destroyed him. His second marriage just didn't work out. He just wanted someone to love him for him. He craved a love that was pure.

As he walked down the quiet corridors he stared at the pictures on the walls. Seeing himself so young. He wanted to do it all again. Not take things for granted. He finally got to his office door and opened it with his keys. Once he got in he fell onto the comfortable love seat finally relaxing his weak body. He hadn't been eating recently. He seemed to be too depressed to. He reached into the drawer beside him to take out his laptop. He scrolled through his emails not taking his eyes off the screen. One caught his eye.
It was an email from a record company asking him to be a manager for one of their clients. Prince scoffed in disgust. 'Record company's' he scoffed in his mind 'what have they ever done for me but cause stress'. His curiosity got the best of him as he scrolled down. 'Selena Quintanilla? Must be a female' he thought. As he scrolled down and down the long list of why he should do this for the mystery woman he found a link to a picture. He clicked and let it slowly download.

He looked at the woman on the screen. His heart began to beat faster. He had never seen such natural beauty in his life.
He quickly put himself together and typed 3 words "bring her tomorrow..."

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