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God knows what time it was. It was very late lets just say. I was overjoyed to see her close those big brown eyes after a long day of just sadness. I still held her close though. I couldn't sleep. I don't know why but I just couldn't. Well I do know why. It's obvious.

I closed my eyes and prayed silently. I prayed not only for my passed baby but for my wife. Her depression has only been getting worse lately, I'm afraid this will be a big trigger.

After praying, I couldn't help staring at her. I must be the luckiest man in the world. She's just beautiful. She's a grown woman. A beautiful grown woman.

Tracing my fingers against the skin of her temple, as if to erase those horrible memories of today, I wondered what she could be dreaming of.

Thoughts flooded my mind. That's when I remembered suzette was staying with us. She had been taking care of Reina and Matias in the guest rooms. Slowly getting up and out of bed, I walked into one of the guest rooms, after knocking of course.

Suzette sat with Matias in her arms, giving him his nightly feed. "Hey bro" she smiled at me "hey... Is he done?" I asked staring at my baby boy. "Yeah" "can I take him into my room" I asked desperately "yeah sure".

Laying in bed with my baby boy, he laid on my chest as the moonlight shone in. I just needed the closeness of a baby.

Seeing his chocolate orbs staring into mine curiously I smiled at him as his hand pulled gently on my chest hair.

Seeing him hiccup, I giggled. Poking my piggy finger into his mouth I felt around his gums. "No teeth yet" I sighed to him as he continued to stare at me. "I love you Mattie... My baby boy" I whispered kissing his forehead.

I stared at the beautiful tiny little creature resting on my chest. It's unbelievable how much he looks like me. Reina looks the spitting image of Selena. Her hair is really dark brown like her mother, her face is just identical to Selena, the only difference is her eyes. She's got these big hazel eyes, just like my own.

Matias though... Matias is just identical to me, his skin is even slightly darker than Selena's and Reina's like mine and his nose and ears are like mine, he's got black hair like me, even right down to the little tiny mole on his left cheekbone, and the only difference in him is the eyes again. He's got chocolaty brown eyes like Selena.

Watching as he yawned he was quick to rest his head down onto me. "Aww baba" I whispered as I stroked his super soft hair. He's so so tiny.

As a tear ran down my cheek, I couldn't help but cry. I don't know why. It was just my baby. I felt the loss all over again, but I needed to stay strong for Selena. I needed to stay strong for my children. I promised I'd never cry in front of my children. Yet here I am in front of my baby boy. I guess I'm alright if he's sleeping. He doesn't know.

I woke up to the bedroom door opening. I hadn't even realised I had been sleeping, I just remember putting Matias into his crib and laying down.

Looking over it was Reina. I sat up immediately "hey" I whispered. "Daddy... Why is auntie suzette looking after me. Why haven't I seen you or mommy all day?" She asked curiously.

"C'mere.." I whispered pulling the covers back and making room for my little girl. She was quick to come lay beside me. "I love you... You know that right?" I whispered as she cuddled up to me "I love you too daddy" she told me. I was quick to pull the covers back over us as she buried her face into my neck. I enjoyed this. The affection from my little girl.

Looking at the clock it was 8:00am. I knew Selena's parents were coming over today. Lucky me.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked. "No, I just wanna cuddle" she told me making me smile so hard. I couldn't help but hold her closer. My baby girl. Kissing her little cheek, she looked into my eyes "what's wrong?" I smirked at her curious stares. "You've been crying daddy?" She asked. God she notices everything. "No baba... I'm just... I think I have a cold" I told my little girl.

Feeling someone lightly shaking me, I woke up to see Selena standing over us, my little girl still in my arms, fast asleep from last night. "Momma and dad are here" she whispered to me. "Ok" I whispered back holding my arm out to her, she quickly hugged me before rushing away.

Sitting in the living room Selena was with me. But so was her parents. As Reina played on the floor Matias was in Selena's arms. I'm so proud of her. To be honest I thought she'd just want to lay in bed for a few days.

I felt quite awkward as I sat there, nobody really acknowledging me, except for Abraham who didn't take his eyes off of me. His glares were just burning right into me. This isn't right.

"Abraham... Can I have a word?" I asked. He quickly nodded and followed me as I walked towards my office.

Once we got into my office he took a seat and so did I. "So what is your problem... I'm not being rude, I'm genuinely curious" I asked.

"I think you should know by now. I've never been ok with this. You and my daughter... I've never liked it" "but why?" I asked.  "Because your older than me for Christ's sake! She's still a little girl and you've been with her 5 years!" He told me. "Exactly. 5 years and it's only the beginning. We're in love. We have 2 beautiful children and we're married. Can't you just leave us alone? Can't you see your daughters happy? She's safe?" 

Watching him go quiet I was just hoping maybe he's starting to understand. "You know she's safe here. She's with me... We love each other so much Abraham. You love Reina and Matias too right?" Watching him nod I sighed "well if I wasn't here they wouldn't be either".

"I just don't like you prince... I never have, there's always been an energy about you. A sneaky one" is this brotha for real? "Well to be deeply honest Abraham, you don't know me well enough to judge me or my energy" i  told him.

"Yeah, I don't know you, but is it so wrong to be protective over my daughter who's chosen a man like you? With the reputation you have?" He said. That just made me bite my tongue. Why does everyone judge me on what they read or my past? I've changed.

"I know... My past must sound horrible with all these lies reporters make up, but don't you understand how in love I am with her? I wouldn't do anything to hurt her..." I told him. "You've hurt her before... You've hit her. I've seen her crying to her mother about how you pushed her before... While she was pregnant?! What makes me even consider believing that you'd never hurt her when your willing to not only hurt her but my unborn grandchild?!" He yelled. God everyone just loves bringing up my mistakes.

I just shook my head. "You just don't get it" I mumbled to myself but loud enough for him to hear, as I opened the door for him.

After a long hour in my prayer room, I was finished for the day. I love it in there. I really feel closer to Jehovah sometimes. I just light some candles and pray a little while or study the bible- writing certain versus out or highlighting my bible. It was very therapeutic.

After smelling something good, I immediately headed for the kitchen. It's crazy how much food excites me now. I still eat pretty light and I'm still a vegetarian but sel has definitely changed me, food wise.

When I first met her I hated even having to eat. But now I just love Selena's cooking. She knows how to cook so many things for me. And I love and enjoy everything she makes.

Seeing her cooking away, while Matias sat in his little baby seat, I quickly rushed to her. Wrapping my arms around her waist she giggled slightly as I kissed her ear "what you making?" I asked "pasta" she smiled, I quickly pecked her jaw before walking over to my baby boy and picking him up.

"How you feeling?" I asked my wife while nursing our child in my arms, Reina was playing in the living room. "I'm getting there... Trying to just get on with things ya know?" She smiled, gently stirring the pot of fresh pasta.

-ok guys that's a lil update for all y'all. THANK YOU... Thank you all for your amazing comments and votes. I can't tell you how much it means to me. PLEASE COMMENT if u got time. Do you think Prince did the right thing in confronting Abraham? Do you think Abraham will continue to try and break Selena and p even after their chat? Tell my your thought/questions/ opinions below 😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜💜-

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